The Past Simple: -Positive: past form -Negative:did not + base verb -Question: Did…+ base verb -We use the past simple in the following cases: refer to an action that took place and was completed in the past. -We bought a new car last month. B. To tell a story in which thing happened after another. -He walked into the room and noticed that it was unusually dark. Time Expressions: last…when …he was 1990ago yesterdayyester night.
Regular Verbs Regular verbs in English create the past simple and past participle by adding -ed to the base form.
Irregular Verbs
A good way to learn irregular verbs is to study them in these groups because as they are similar they’re easier to remember. Here are the most common irregular verbs in these groups.
Irregular Verbs- Rules
If the verb ends in a consonant and -y, we change the -y to -i and added -ed. For example:
If a verb ends in -e we simply add -d, For example: Irregular Verbs- Rules
Exercise: Put the verbs into the simple past: Last year I ____________(go) to England on holiday. It ________(be) fantastic. I (visit) lots of interesting places. I _________(be) with two friends of mine. In the mornings we__________ (walk) in the streets of London. In the evenings we_________ (go) to pubs. The weather ________(be) strangely fine. It ___________(not / rain) a lot. But we__________ (see) some beautiful rainbows. Where_____ _______ ________ (spend / you) your last holiday?