Presenter Dr. Saeid Jafari Supervisor Dr. Taradon Luangtongkum VPH seminar (February 1, 2019) The prevalence of Campylobacter spp., from duck-related isolates and associated antibiotic resistance, worldwide, 1985–2018
Campylobacter spp., a leading cause of foodborne illnesses. sheets/detail/campylobacter
Poultry, as the major sites for Campylobacter infection.
Ducks, an important food sources around the world especially in Asia Chanawanit et al. (2018), The 5th Food Safety and Zoonoses Symposium for Asia Pacific, Chiang Mai.
Higher prevalence of Campylobacter in ducks Chon et al. (2018), Poultry science. 80% 30%
To elucidate the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) among Campylobacter spp. To highlight the gaps in studies to limit the impact of Campylobacter infection around the globe.
Keywords used in this study
Countries in our study (Asia) Cambodia (1) China (1) Iran (3) Malaysia (1) South Korea (6) Taiwan (1) Thailand (5) Vietnam (2) Total= 8
Countries in our study (Europe) Bulgaria (1) Denmark (1) Poland (2) Portugal (1) Sweden (1) UK (3) Total= 6
Countries involved in our study (Africa) Egypt (1) Kenya (1) Nigeria (3) Tanzania (1) Total= 4
Countries involved in our study (America) n=2
Figure 1. Worldwide prevalence of Campylobacter from duck-related isolates by country ( ).
Figure 2. Worldwide antibiotic resistance of Campylobacter among duck-related isolates by the year period.
The worldwide prevalence of Campylobacter in the duck ranges from 35% to 65%. A large variety of data in the studies from different countries. Worldwide increasing trends of AMR to FQ and TET.