Acknowledgments This project was financial supported by Engineering Faculty (KKU, THAILAND) under the project “Research Development, Innovation and Technology Transfer between two Institutions for the Fiscal Year of 2017”. We would like to thanks NUOL and Laos Energy Institution for all helps. Acknowledgments This project was financial supported by Engineering Faculty (KKU, THAILAND) under the project “Research Development, Innovation and Technology Transfer between two Institutions for the Fiscal Year of 2017”. We would like to thanks NUOL and Laos Energy Institution for all helps. Conclusion Tung oil biodiesel can be produced from the trans-esterification of Tung oil and MeOH with the use of KOH as catalyst. Highest TOME yield of 92.71wt.% with heating value of MJ/kg was obtained by using MeOH/oil molar ratio of 8/1, 2%wt.KOH, 700rpm initially mixing and reduced to 400rpm at 60 C for 1 h. From FTIR spectra, the TOME revealed ester functional groups instead of the glycerol. Also, the thermal degradation of TOME closed to diesel behavior. TOME blended with diesel has the better fuel properties than neat TOME, depends on the amount of diesel. Tung oil can be used the feedstock for biodiesel in LAOS, as B5 is currently commercial. Conclusion Tung oil biodiesel can be produced from the trans-esterification of Tung oil and MeOH with the use of KOH as catalyst. Highest TOME yield of 92.71wt.% with heating value of MJ/kg was obtained by using MeOH/oil molar ratio of 8/1, 2%wt.KOH, 700rpm initially mixing and reduced to 400rpm at 60 C for 1 h. From FTIR spectra, the TOME revealed ester functional groups instead of the glycerol. Also, the thermal degradation of TOME closed to diesel behavior. TOME blended with diesel has the better fuel properties than neat TOME, depends on the amount of diesel. Tung oil can be used the feedstock for biodiesel in LAOS, as B5 is currently commercial. Sengthong LEE 1), Herxiong PAFUEXIONG 1), Chouxiong CHUAVA 1), Malisa BOUSATRY 1), Varinrumpai SEITHANABUTARA *2) 1) Chemical Engineering Section, National University of Laos, Vientiane, Laos P.D.R 2) Chemical Engineering Department, Khon kaen University, Thailand * address: TEL/FAX: Fuel Characterization of Tung oil Methyl ester Results and Discussion Abstract This study prepared tung oil methyl ester (TOME) from the transesterification of tung oil and methanol using KOH as catalyst. The reaction conditions were investigated at different molar ratios of methanol to oil (6:1, 8:1 and 10:1) with 2wt.% of KOH, 700rpm initially mixing and reduced to 400rpm at 60°C for 1 h. Tung oil biodiesel was characterized for the chemical and physical properties; thermal degradation behavior, structural component, density, heating value, oxidation stability, acid value, free fatty acid, cetane number, flash point, pour point, water content, water and sediment, specific gravity, API gravity, sulfur content, copper strip corrosion, colour and appearance. Results revealed that molar ratio of methanol to oil of 8:1 obtained the highest yield of biodiesel (92.71wt.%) containing more acid ester structure and similar thermal degradation to the commercial diesel. Moreover, the produced TOME has the properties met the biodiesel standard of ASTM D6751. After mixing with commercial diesel, B5 and B10 has the better fuel properties suitable for further used in vehicles. Abstract This study prepared tung oil methyl ester (TOME) from the transesterification of tung oil and methanol using KOH as catalyst. The reaction conditions were investigated at different molar ratios of methanol to oil (6:1, 8:1 and 10:1) with 2wt.% of KOH, 700rpm initially mixing and reduced to 400rpm at 60°C for 1 h. Tung oil biodiesel was characterized for the chemical and physical properties; thermal degradation behavior, structural component, density, heating value, oxidation stability, acid value, free fatty acid, cetane number, flash point, pour point, water content, water and sediment, specific gravity, API gravity, sulfur content, copper strip corrosion, colour and appearance. Results revealed that molar ratio of methanol to oil of 8:1 obtained the highest yield of biodiesel (92.71wt.%) containing more acid ester structure and similar thermal degradation to the commercial diesel. Moreover, the produced TOME has the properties met the biodiesel standard of ASTM D6751. After mixing with commercial diesel, B5 and B10 has the better fuel properties suitable for further used in vehicles. TOME was prepared from the trans-esterification of tung oil and methanol with different molar ratios with KOH catalyst at the mixing intensity, reaction temperature and time. Methodology Dehusking Extraction Tung oil with FFA 1.1%wt. Trans-esterification at 60 o C, 700 400 rpm for 1 h MeOH/Oil molar ratio : 6/1,8/1 and 10/1 Neat TOME (B100) TOME/Diesel (B5) TOME/Diesel (B5) TOME/Diesel (B10) TOME/Diesel (B10) Properties Analysis thermal degradation behavior, structural component, density, heating value, oxidation stability, acid value, free fatty acid, cetane number, flash point, pour point, water content, water & sediment, specific gravity, API gravity, sulfur content, copper strip corrosion, colour & appearance. Separation References 1.Wang, Y., Zhang, M. and Ding, X., Biodiesel production from soybean oil using modified calcium loaded on rice husk activated carbon as a low-cost basic catalyst. Separation Science and Technology, 53(5), pp Gadhave, S.L. and Ragit, S.S., Process optimization of Tung oil methyl ester (Vernicia fordii) using the Taguchi approach, and its fuel characterization. Biofuels, pp Kaur, A., Roy, M. and Kundu, K., Transesterification process optimization for tung oil methyl ester (Aleurites fordii) and characterization of fuel as a substitute for diesel. IJCS, 5(6), pp Yang, J., Feng, Y., Zeng, T., Guo, X., Li, L., Hong, R. and Qiu, T., Synthesis of biodiesel via transesterification of tung oil catalyzed by new Brönsted acidic ionic liquid. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 117, pp Chen, Y.H., Chang, C.C., Chang, M.C. and Chang, C.Y., Biodiesel production from Tung oil and blended oil via ultrasonic transesterification process. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 42(4), pp Shang, Q., Jiang, W., Lu, H. and Liang, B., Properties of Tung oil biodiesel and its blends with 0# diesel. Bioresource technology, 101(2), pp Park, J.Y., Kim, D.K., Wang, Z.M., Lu, P., Park, S.C. and Lee, J.S., Production and characterization of biodiesel from tung oil. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 148(1-3), pp References 1.Wang, Y., Zhang, M. and Ding, X., Biodiesel production from soybean oil using modified calcium loaded on rice husk activated carbon as a low-cost basic catalyst. Separation Science and Technology, 53(5), pp Gadhave, S.L. and Ragit, S.S., Process optimization of Tung oil methyl ester (Vernicia fordii) using the Taguchi approach, and its fuel characterization. Biofuels, pp Kaur, A., Roy, M. and Kundu, K., Transesterification process optimization for tung oil methyl ester (Aleurites fordii) and characterization of fuel as a substitute for diesel. IJCS, 5(6), pp Yang, J., Feng, Y., Zeng, T., Guo, X., Li, L., Hong, R. and Qiu, T., Synthesis of biodiesel via transesterification of tung oil catalyzed by new Brönsted acidic ionic liquid. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 117, pp Chen, Y.H., Chang, C.C., Chang, M.C. and Chang, C.Y., Biodiesel production from Tung oil and blended oil via ultrasonic transesterification process. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 42(4), pp Shang, Q., Jiang, W., Lu, H. and Liang, B., Properties of Tung oil biodiesel and its blends with 0# diesel. Bioresource technology, 101(2), pp Park, J.Y., Kim, D.K., Wang, Z.M., Lu, P., Park, S.C. and Lee, J.S., Production and characterization of biodiesel from tung oil. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 148(1-3), pp Fatty acid Chemical formula Degree of unsaturation MW (g/mol) Percentage (wt.%) This study Alpha-eleostearic acidC 18 H 30 O 2 C18: Palmitic acidC 16 H 32 O 2 C16: Linolenic acidC 18 H 32 O 2 C18: Oleic acidC 18 H 34 O 2 C18: alpha-Eleostearic acid Fig2. Trans - esterification Fig1. Tung tree and Tung seed Introduction Wavenumbers (cm -1 ) BondFunctional groups (s) (m) (m) (s) (s) (s) (s) (m) (m) (m) (s) (s) (m) (s) (m) C-H stretch =C-H stretch C-H stretch C=O stretch C-C stretch (in-ring) C-H bend C-H rock C-O stretch =C-H bend O-H bend C-H “oop” C-H rock Aromatics Alkenes Alkanes Carbonyls (general) Carboxylic acids Ester, saturated aliphatic Aldehydes, saturated aliphatic Aromatics Alkanes Alcohols, carboxylic acid, ester, ethers Alkenes Carboxylic acids Aromatics Alkanes MeOH Density = 0.78g/ml, Mw = 32 g/mole; Tung oil Density = 0.92 g/ml, Mw = g/mole MEOH:oil (molar ratio)Oil (g)Oil (mole)MeOH (mole)MeOH (g)KOH (g) 6: : : Linoleic acid Palmitic acid Oleic acid Table1. Tung oil compositions Table2. Amount of reactants and catalyst Fig5. Thermal degradation Table3. Functional groups of Tung oil and TOME characterised by FTIR Fig4. Experimental procedure Fig6. FTIR spectra Fig3. TOME Fig7. TOME yield and heating value PropertyTest Method Unit Flash point Kinetic Viscosity at 40 ℃ Acid value Density at 15 ℃ Cetane number Heating value Oxidation stability at 110 ℃ pH value Water content Specific gravity at 15 ℃ API gravity at 15 ℃ Pour point Sulfur content Copper corrosion ℃ ) Colour Appearance ASTM-D93 ASTM-D445 ASTM-D664 ASTM-D1298 ASTM-D613 ASTM-D240 EN ASTM-D2709 ASTM-D1298 ASTM-D97 ASTM-D1ASTM-D130 ASTM-D1500 Visual C mm 2 /s mg KOH/g kg/m 3 - MJ/kg h - vol% - C ppm h - Table4. Test methods used in this study Property ASTM D6751 Tung oil Diesel Laos Diesel Biodiesel standards TOME (MeOH/Oil 0f 8/1) B5B10B100 Flash point ( C) > Kinematic Viscosity at 40 C Acid value10.99< < Density at 15 C Cetane number > Heating value Oxidation stability at 110 C (h) > pH value Water content-< < Specific gravity at 15 C API gravity at 15 C Pour point ( C) Sulfur content (ppm) Methyl ester (%) - -- > Copper strips corrosion C) a Colour yellow) Appearance - - Hazy Table4. Fuel properties of TOME