Nov. 2017
GDP 2,185 US$ Per Capita Rice Total Production (2016) Growing Area 7.8 Mil. Ha Production28.6 Mil. Tons (Milled Rice) Export Total 6.6 Mil. Tons ($ 2.2 Billion) Domestic Consumption 22 Mil. Tons Source :, Custom Office
Rice Export by Grade in 2014/15 Glutinous Rice Exported 0.66 Mil. Tons About 10% of Total Export Volume
Glutinous Rice Production Growing Area: 0.77 Mil. Ha Production: 3.67 Mil. Ton Export: 0.66 Mil. Ton Price (US$/Ton) : 490~500 Glutinous Rice Production Growing Area: 0.77 Mil. Ha Production: 3.67 Mil. Ton Export: 0.66 Mil. Ton Price (US$/Ton) : 490~500 Export Volume by Region Asia75% (China 57.6%) Other Area25%
Glutinous Rice Export to China Glutinous Rice Volume Increased to 400,000 Tons (34%) of Total Export Volume 2017 to China 7%
Strategy Starting from Year 2020 “Maintain Export Volume” and “Increase Money” by adding values to products. # Target to increase selling price up to 25%~30% in ten years Glutinous Rice export volume will be increased to 1 Mil. Tons In (25% of total export )