Role of women Made by~Alexis Rivas
Facts ● The wife was in charge of raising the children, spinning, weaving and sewing the family´s clothes. ● The most important duties for a city-dwelling woman were to bear children--preferably male--and to run the household. ● Custom dictated that a Greek woman limit her time outside the house to visiting with her nearest female neighbors. ● The common presence of columns suggests that women spent much of their time in the courtyard of the house, the one place where they could regularly enjoy fresh air. ● Duties of a rural woman included some of the agricultural work: the harvesting of olives and fruit was their responsibility, as may have been the gathering of vegetables.
More Facts ● Exceptions to this rigid social convention were weddings, funerals and state religious festivals in which women were expected to play prominent public roles. ● Married women were, at least in the eyes of the law, under the complete authority of their husbands. ● Young women were expected to marry as a virgin, and marriage was usually organised by their father, who chose the husband and accepted from him a dowry. ● Married at the typical age of 13 or 14, love had little to do with the matching of husband and wife. ● All women were expected to marry, there was no provision and no role in Greek society for single mature females.
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