COOP Integration Day 1 Thursday, October 11, 2018
Plan: Review First impressions Attendance procedure Hours Log sheets First impressions “First Impressions Reflection”- Integration assignment # 1 How to handle criticism at the workplace Types of criticism Problems on the job case-studies – Integration assignment # 2
CO-OP Review If you need to be absent from CO-OP, you MUST: Contact your supervisor and let them know Contact Mr. Young and let him know (email, text) Have your parents contact the school to approve your absence!
COOP Hours 2 Credit students: must complete a total of 220 hours 15 hours from pre-placement 14 hours from Integration 191 hours from placement 4 Credit students: must complete a total of 440 hours 28 hours from Integration 397 hours from placement
CO-OP Hours Co-op hours are only calculated when you are working at your placement. Do not include lunch breaks. Do not include travel time. MSIP on Pre-Placement days and Integration days is not included in the calculation of hours. Log sheets missing information, incorrectly completed, or missing signatures will not be included in the calculation of placement hours. Submission of Log sheets are the responsibility of the student: credits will not be granted if not submitted.
Log Sheets Log sheets are due the following Tuesday of every week Log sheets must be signed by your supervisor. No COOP hours will be granted until signed log sheets are submitted Log sheets can be picked up from shelf located to the left of the COOP office, or you can use the electronic version on the website Please submit your log sheets to the main office mailbox, the mailbox outside of co-op office, or you can scan/take a picture and email me your log sheets. If you opt for the last option, please keep your original copies and hand those in at your next Integration day
Next Integration Day: Thursday, November 8th
Integration Assignments 2 credit students will be handing in 2 assignments today 4 credit students will be handing in 4 assignments today (Independent work in the afternoon)
First Impressions 1) Reflection Assignment Answer all questions in complete sentences on a separate piece of paper. Your answers can be hand-written or typed. To achieve the best mark possible, include detailed descriptions/examples to back up your answers
How to handle criticism at the workplace The capacity to handle criticism and grow from it is a very important aspect of success
Different types of criticisms Constructive vs. Destructive criticism Destructive criticism hurts an individual's self-esteem, causes psychological damage and renders him less effective. A good example of destructive criticism is if your boss tells you, "How could you make such a stupid mistake, what were you thinking? I don't know why I hired you in the first place.“ Why do you think some people criticize in this way? How should we handle this type of criticism?
Constructive criticism is the process of offering valid and well- reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one. "Thanks for the report, I can see you put a lot of effort into it. However, I was hoping you could touch it up a little by summarizing it more and adding some graphs. The content is solid, but if you could make those changes, I would really appreciate it.“ How should we handle this type of criticism?
Responses to Criticism Activity Take a few minutes to complete the “responses to criticism activity”
Problems on the Job- Case Study Assignment Complete the case study assignment in complete sentences and hand in.