Subject-Verb Agreement Agreement in Number: Subjects and their verbs must agree in NUMBER SINGULAR subjects take SINGULAR verbs (except for the words you and I). PLURAL subjects take PLURAL verbs. Agreement can only be achieved in the present tense. NEVER use past tense for agreement.
Subject-Verb Agreement Agreement in Number: Examples The student works hard. - singular (unlike a subject, add an “s” to make a verb singular) The students work hard. - plural (unlike a subject, take the “s” away to make a verb plural)
Subject-Verb Agreement Agreement in Number: *The FIRST helping verb must agree with the subject! - The class IS building bird houses.
Subject-Verb Agreement Agreement in Number: BEWARE!!! BEWARE!!! BEWARE!!! BEWARE!!! BEWARE!!! Prepositional Phrases will try to trick you. Always focus on the subject of the sentence! The class (of students) is smart. The girls (in the class) are smart.
Subject-Verb Agreement Agreement in Number: BEWARE!!! BEWARE!!! BEWARE!!! BEWARE!!! BEWARE!!! Indefinite Pronouns will try to trick you. Know which ones are Singular, Plural, and Both!
Subject-Verb Agreement Indefinite Pronouns Singular -one, -body, -thing each, either, neither Example: Each of the doors is broken. Plural Both, few, many, several Example: Both of my friends are grounded. Both All, none, any, most, some, more Example: All of the book is ruined. Example: Most of my grades are good. **ONLY look inside the prepositional phrase to determine the number of the subject of SINGULAR and PLURAL Indefinite Pronouns. This is the only time you rely on the prepositional phrase.
Subject-Verb Agreement RULES for Compound Subjects Subjects joined by “and” are usually plural and take a plural verb. Examples: 1. The boy and girl live in two different dormitories. 2. He and she are going out.
Subject-Verb Agreement RULES for Compound Subjects A compound subject that names only one person or thing takes a singular verb. Examples: 1. The captain and point guard is Jack. (Jack is both the captain and point guard.) 2. Peanut butter and jelly is my favorite snack. (Peanut butter and jelly is the same snack.
Subject-Verb Agreement RULES for Compound Subjects Singular subjects joined by “or” or “nor” take a singular verb. Examples: 1. A ticket or pass is required to enter the gala. (You only need one of the two.) 2. An excuse or a doctor's note is required to return to school. (You only need one.)
Subject-Verb Agreement RULES for Compound Subjects When a Singular Subject and Plural Subject are joined by “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the subject nearer the verb. Examples: 1. The students or teacher is in the classroom. (Teacher is singular.) 2. The notebook or the books are in my backpack. (Books is plural.)
Subject-Verb Agreement There or Here is NEVER the subject. Examples: 1. Here come the children. 2. There is my shoe.
Subject-Verb Agreement Rules for Other Special Problems The contractions Here's, There's, and Where's contain the singular verb “is” causing it to take a singular subject. Examples: 1. Here's my shoe (not shoes). 2. There's my notebook (not notebooks).
Subject-Verb Agreement Rules for Other Special Problems Doesn't is SINGULAR and Don't is PLURAL! Examples: 1. She doesn't want to go to the gala with him. 2. These shoes don't fit well.
Subject-Verb Agreement Rules for Other Special Problems Some nouns ending in “s” are still SINGULAR. Examples: Mumps Measles News Philippines
Subject-Verb Agreement Rules for Other Special Problems Words stating amounts are usually SINGULAR. Example: Fifty thousand dollars has been raised (not have).
Practice Sentences 1. Jan begins her vacation today. Sing. Sub./Sing.Verb 2. New families move into our neighborhood. Plural. Sub./Plural Verb 3. The girls have been delayed. 1st helping verb agrees with sub 4. Is anyone filling the piñata? Reword: 1st helping verb agrees with sub. 5. The successful candidate, along with two of her aides, has entered the auditorium. Take out the prep. ph.
Practice Sentences 6. Scientists from all over the world have gathered in Geneva. Look at sub; not prep. ph 7. Each of the newcomers was welcomed to the city. Sing. Sub./Sing.Verb 8. Few of our neighbors have parakeets. Plural. Sub./Plural Verb 9. All of the fruit looks fresh. ALL can be “both” ; look @ obj. of 10. All of the pears are ripe. ALL can be “both” ; look @ obj. of
Practice Sentences 11. Our dog and cat get baths in the summer. Plural. Sub./Plural Verb; “and” = more than one 12. Red Beans and Rice is my favorite meal. Sing. Sub./Sing.Verb; it’s just one dish 13. The chief geologist or her assistant is due to arrive tonight. “or” = verb agrees w/ sub. nearer the verb A book or flowers usually make an appropriate gift. “or” = verb agrees w/ sub. nearer the verb The clothes or the bag smells terrible. “or” = verb agrees w/ sub. nearer the verb
Practice Sentences There is a lot of candy in the bag. “A lot” = sub. ; A lot is there. 17. Don't the guys like the movie? Bust up the contraction; The guys do not like…. Fifty thousand dollars is the prize. Money is a UNIT; one=singular 19. Here's my book. Contains singular verb “is” causing it to take a sing. sub. 20. The ABC 33/40 news is a reliable source of information. Most nouns ending in “s” = singular