Write the following numbers in words: $ ,356 7/8 17/07/60 4/11/ $2,987, ,789
Twenty-four dollars and ninety-nine cents. One thousand, three hundred (and) fifty-six. Seven eighths. July 17 th, 1960 (Nineteen sixty). November 11 th, 1959 (Nineteen fifty-nine). three point four five. Two million, nine hundred eighty-seven thousand, two hundred thirty-four. One hundred twenty-three thousand, seven hundred eighty-nine.
DAYS OF THE WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
MONTHS OF THE YEAR January / ˈ d ʒ ænjuəri/ February / ˈ febjuəri/ March April May June July August September October November December
DATES (Day), Month date, year. 06/09/82 June 9 th, (Nineteen eighty-two)
British: day-month-yearAmerican: month-day-year the Fourteenth of March, 2011March the Fourteenth, th March 2011March 14th, March 2011March 14, /3/20113/14/ /3/113/14/11 14/03/1103/14/11
DECIMALS Read as X, Y, Z 4.78 Four point seven eight
FRACTIONS TOP NUMBER: Cardinal BOTTOM NUMBER: Ordinal + S. 1/3 One thirds
PERCENTAGES Cardinal number followed by PERCENT. 67% Sixty-seven percent
LARGE NUMBERS Million, Thousand, Hundred. 345,980 Three hundred forty-five thousand, nine hundred eighty. 5,934,098 Five million, nine hundred thirty-four thousand, ninety-eight.
PRICES Million, Thousand, Hundred + CURRENCY $1,987,567 One million, nine hundred eighty-seven thousand, five hundred sixty-seven dollars. $4.89 Four dollars and eighty-nine cents.
a)56.90 b)$9.99 c)34,521,678 d)07/17/69 e)6/5 f)78% g)03/03/03 h)0.56 i)$12, j) 2/3 k)12/1/78 l) $27.95