Technology and English: A New Paradigm for Technology Education? Frank Banks The Open University
On March 8th 2008, the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown: "English in Action" - with the Government of Bangladesh would contribute to economic growth by improving the English language skills of 25 million Bangladeshis, helping them participate more effectively in business and international trade.’
The Purpose and Goal To improve competence in English language throughout the population English language as a tool for increased participation in the global economy Economic empowerment and development
The EIA Project Funded by DfID for a 9 year period from May 2008 OU & BBC in consortium Aims to have some impact on ~25 million people – children and adults, rural and urban
The Country Independence from Pakistan in 1971 ~ same area as UK ~98% speak Bangla Delta of 3 rivers – Most of Bangladesh is less than 12 metres (39 ft) above sea level Rise in sea level of 1 metre would flood ~50% of the land Very high population density Urban population ~25%
The Infrastructure Challenges Total Population = 145+ million 36% < $1 / day 83% < $2 / day Many school-age children in work ~45% homes have an electricity supply (Only ~31% in rural areas)
The Infrastructure Challenges ~23% of households have TV (urban) – radio coverage is also limited Per 1,000 people:- 12 PCs 8 telephone landlines 2.6 Internet users 63 mobile subscribers (80% coverage)
River Community
School on River near Dhaka – Motivation?
Underprivileged Children’s Educational Programme (UCEP).
UCEP – Primary - Group Work
UCEP – Secondary- Electronics
UCEP – Secondary – Cotton Mill
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee Secondary School (BRAC)
BRAC – Secondary School
Using Modern Technology to Teach English Use of mobile and other technologies for: State of the art mobile technology Smart-phones Media players Mobile Classrooms – boats!
Using English to teach Technology Ideas/Information for… Issues – e.g. global warming How things work Impact on society Material Resources… Vocabulary Instruction manuals Group tasks
Content and Language Integrated Learning A Research Agenda?
A Research Agenda? Technological Literacy & pupil-pupil, pupil-teacher dialogue What resources for Technological Literacy through English? Support for English Teachers with Tech Ed? Support for ‘Technology Teachers’ with English?