WP3 – TESTING Roberto Sandrini – University of Venice


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Presentation transcript:

WP3 – TESTING Roberto Sandrini – University of Venice

1.147.337,50 (about 60% of the total budget) Coordinator University of Venice Duration 03/2018-07/2020 Budget 1.147.337,50 (about 60% of the total budget) Tasks 3.1(UNIVE); 3.2(UNIVE); 3.3(ICUB); 3.4(Pole ICP); 3.5(TVT);3.6(BA); 3.7(Technopolis); 3.8(BA) Deliverables 3.1(3); 3.2(5); 3.3(3); 3.4(4); 3.5(4); 3.6(3); 3.7(3); 3.8(3) Totally 28 deliverables to be produced Main Outputs 3.1 – SMATH toolkit 3.2 – CCIs assisted to promote collaboration.. 3.3 - MED Creative Industries Cluster

RESULTS 1 1 SMATH platform to host materials, market-place, EU-Alert, crowdsourcing platform, etc D.3.2.1; 2 7 NESTS established (Spain 1; France 1, Italy 2, Slovenia 1, Greece 1, Croatia 1) with a set of services Task 3.3 3 1 MED Creative (Industries) Cluster D.3.7.1 4 3 transnational working groups established (social cohesion, soustainable tourism; urban regeneration) Task 3.7 5 300 SMEs (Creative Industries, High-Tech SMEs, Cultural operators, etc) assisted to develop joint projects Task 3.4; task 3.5; task 3.6 6 70 joint projects developed with the assistance provided and proposed to public and private investors (EU Funds; Private investors; crowdfunding) D.3.5.1; D3.6.1; D.3.6.2; D.3.6.3

CAPITALISATION OF INSTRUMENTS/TOOLS MAPPING RESOURCE PROVIDERS Task 3.2 – Fine tuning of tools for the generation of «smart athmospheres» as ecosystem to support CCIs 3.2 Fine-tuning of tools for the generation of "smart atmospheres” as ecosystems to support CIs D 3.2.1. Fine-tuning of the instruments to set-up the SMATH Platform   The SMATH platform will support the testing phase by operating as a multiplier of links with Resource Providers in order to enhance the visibility and attractiveness of CIs for venture capital, seed funders, incubators, financial institutions, business angels, public agencies and other more general sources of crowdfunding (D.3.2.4). The platform will be improved during the testing phase. TVT SMATH PLATFORM D 3.2.2.Reinforcing mutual awareness between "cultural engines" and creative industries in a logic of social innovation The report will fine-tune instruments developed by past projects and able to support CIs: a) to increase their awareness of and ability to connect with "cultural engines" and processes of contemporary cultural production b) to improve their understanding of key processes and strategies of culture-based social innovation UNIVE CAPITALISATION OF INSTRUMENTS/TOOLS D.3.2.3. Strengthening the imaginative potential and entrepreneurial capacity of Creative Industries The report will deliver an imaginative toolbox to support CIs in the identification of truly original and authentic business ideas rooted in the specificity and tradition of the regional/local cultural humus. The tool-box will be finalized with 1 Word Café organized for the PPs operators to share insights, transfer information and adapt the tools to needs of CIs across local/regional contexts. TOOLBOX 1 WORLD CAFE D.3.2.4. Sharing the working mechanisms of innovative clusters powered by a strategic core of cultural engines The report will identify relevant best practices and innovative modalities to create connections and networking between CIs and their local/regional “cultural engines” by increasing frequency and accessibility of CIs to cultural processes, cultural artefact and cultural heritage in a perspective of cross-innovation. Pole ICP BEST PRACTICES D.3.2.5. Mapping providers of resources with a view to enhance the visibility and attractiveness of creative industries. The report will identify and map Resource Providers in order to provide a knowledge base to enhance the visibility and attractiveness of CIs for venture capital, seed funders, incubators, financial institutions, business angels, public agencies and other more general sources of crowd funding (D.3.2.4). Different motivations and different mechanisms of funding will be categorized and organized in the form of a handy manual that will be linked to the SMATH platform for the following activities MAPPING RESOURCE PROVIDERS & MANUAL By March 2019

CAPITALISATION OF INSTRUMENTS/TOOLS address to CCIs: a) to increase their awareness of and ability to connect with "cultural engines" and processes of contemporary cultural production b) ) to improve their understanding of key processes and strategies of culture-based social innovation Project a) or b) Partner of reference CHORD MARKETING STRATEGY and Database of Cultural Stakeholders CLUSTERSMEETCULTURE Handbook for PPPs CREA.RE Local Development plans for the involvement of CCIs PVSP Business Plans for start-ups MED-KED Tools to improve business competitiveness EMMA Toolkit to promote women entrepeneurship ACCELMED Tools to assist SMEs on financial issues CLUSNET Tool to set up Clusters/Nests CREATIVE METROPOLES Methodology to involve Policy Makers and support testing phase SPEA Best Practice collection on public procurement

Project a) or b) Partner of reference POP Video compendium on business start-ups procedures INNOVATHENS Tools to accellerate start-ups in CCIs CREAMED Handbook on Creative initiatives in MED areas SHAPES Tool to support CCIs contributing to local growth CO-CREATE CO-CREATE toolkit – cross-fertilization FIDIAS Tool to support high-tech SMEs CHIMERA Strategic Action Plan to improve innovative clusters CRE:HUB Methodology to outline action plans addressed to CCIs ADRIAMUSE Adriamuse toolkit address to cultural «engines» SHARED-CULTURE Methodology to valorize the cultural heritage EHMN Methodology to promote media Industry TRANSMEDIA Guideline to assist Multimedia SMEs

relevant best practices to create connections and networking between CIs and their local/regional “cultural engines Best practice Short explanation Partner of reference

3.3 Contributing with Creative Nests to the generation of «Smart Athmospheres» 3.3 Contributing with Creative Nests to the generation of "Smart Athmosphere" (preparing pilot activities) D.3.3.1: “Creative nests”: Elaboration of a portfolio of services and a management model Development of a methodology for the design and implementation of regional/local "Creative Nests ICUB LOCAL  NESTS D.3.3.2. Definition of the Creative Nests' membership and operation Each Area will identify priorities, main sectors among CIs (TV, Radio, Videogames, publishing, design, architecture, Advertising, digital services) to be combined with their cultural core (Visual Arts, Cinematography, Theatre, Music, Dance) to create critical mass. A mix of survey-based and in-depth fieldwork methods will collect information and needs from CIs entrepreneurs, cultural, creative and innovation stakeholders, private and public investors. BA SELECTION OF TARGET USERS FOR THE NESTS & IDENTIFICATION OF NEEDS  D.3.3.3. Preliminary plan to launch national/regional Creative Nests Each Area will develop a plan: to set-up the Nests, start the cooperation between “cultural engines” and Cis identify all relevant actors to be involved. OPERATIVE PLAN FOR EACH NEST  By March 2019

Areas and NESTS 1 Veneto Region (Italy) LP+UNIVE 2 Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (Italy) FVG 3 Zagreb Metropolitan Area (Croatia) ZICER 4 Maribor (Slovenia) ATM 5 Barcelona Metropolitan Area (Spain) BA+ICUB 6 Athens Metropolitan Area (Greece) TECHNOPOLIS 7 PACA Region (Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur) PoleICP+TVT

What is a «Nest»?


First discussion concerning the Plan of each Nest tomorrow….

Task 3.4 – Strengthening CIs networking and cooperating attitude 3.4 Strengthening CIs' networking and cooperation attitude (Testing - Pilot Activity) D.3.4.1. Strenghtening the cooperation between Cis and core cultural engines Each Area will organize 1 event in a cultural heritage site and 1 info-day devoted to the potentialities of a closer cooperation between CIs and their core cultural engines. 20 ideas and proposal of cooperation will be identified in each area. Pole ICP 1 EVENT IN CULTURAL SITE 1 INFO-DAY 20 IDEAS/PROJECTS D.3.4.2 Supporting the collaboration and the generation of new projects between Creative Industries and Cultural Engines actors proposing the ideas/projects will be invited to 2 working labs to proceed with the cooperation and deepen the structure the projects. 2 WORKING LABS WITH THE 20 IDEAS  D.3.4.3 Assisting Cis to develop joint projects in key areas of social innovation In each Nest: projects ideas selected will be clustered according to 3 areas of social innovation (responsible tourism, social cohesion, urban regeneration). Each group will participate to a study visit address to SMEs operating in those domains.. 3 follow-up workshops with the participation of SMEs from those sectors will bring to the identification of 5 joint-cooperation opportunities. CLUSTERING PROJECTS 3 STUDY VISITS 3 FOLLOW-UP WORKSHOPS 5 COOPERATION PROJECTS WITH SMEs (ADDITIONALLY)  D.3.4.4 Strengthening transnational cooperation and spill-over actions 5 CCI operators by each Nest will participate to a 1-day-event in Arles to strengthen the cooperation on responsible tourism, social cohesion and urban generation. The Event will strengthen the cooperation between cultural and creative operators. Training session will promote idea generation processes marketing oriented, learn how to protect ideas and apply for private and public funding. Outcomes will feed the SMATH platform. TRANSNATIONAL TRAINING IN ARLES addressed to CCIs  By March 2020

Events in one historical site 1 Veneto Region (Italy) 2 Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (Italy) 3 Zagreb Metropolitan Area (Croatia) 4 Maribor (Slovenia) 5 Barcelona Metropolitan Area (Spain) 6 Athens Metropolitan Area (Greece) 7 PACA Region (Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur)


Task 3.5 – Enhancing managerial capabilities of cultural engines D.3.5.1. Awareness seminars addressed to operators of "cultural engines" to promote management, financial and marketing instruments Operators of “cultural engines” (i.e. artists, actors, choreographers, musicians, directors..) will be invited to a seminar to learn marketing and commercial methods and strategies. The seminar will gather 20 participants(minimum) in each area. TVT  7 SEMINARS 20 PARTICIPANTS EACH D.3.5.2. Coaching assistance on management skills for cultural engines Project ideas identified in 3.4.2 (20) and 3.4.3 (5) will be assisted and coached by each Nest in various management skills with particular focus of leadership, organizational behaviors and processes, decision making in complex situations to fine-tune personal skills that are necessary for implement collaboration.. COACHING ASSISTANCE D.3.5.3. Promoting market orientation for culture-based products/services Each Nest will organize a fair/market place where operators of CIs and cultural engines will present their projects (20+5) in creative forms to an audience of public agencies and private firms in view to check their market orientation and expand the domain of stakeholders interested to cooperate and to promote new collaboration and ideas. 1 FAIR/MARKET PLACE for each NEST  D.3.5.4. Developing marketing strategies for Cis operators 10 projects (out of 20+5) for new products/services or for start-ups will be assisted by each Nests to define business plans and prepare necessary information for potential providers of financial resources.  10 BUSINESS PLAN/INVESTMENT PLANS DEVELOPED   By July 2020*

Task 3.6 Support in financial and funding opportunities D.3.6.1. Setting-up local networks of private investors interested to work with projects&ideas from CIs Each area will select private investors and financiers. They will be invited to 1 pitching event, where the 10 projects developed by CIs operators will be proposed for investment. BA PITCHING EVENT ADDRESSED TO THE 10 PROJECT COACHED  D.3.6.2. The Crowdfunding experience to support start-ups and new products According to the selected crowdfunding platforms, entrepreneurs and start-ups will be assisted to promote their ideas through the platforms selected to attract investors. 1 proposal (out of 10) from each Nest will be assisted for the uploading on the crowdfunding platform CROWDFUNDING  D.3.6.3 Promoting EU funding opportunities addressed to CIs industries an online service host in the SMATH platform will select call for proposals, request of partnership for the submission of proposals to be funded, or to set up MED partnership under COSME,CREATIVE Europe, etc. Key words will highlight opportunities to link CIs and Social Innovation (responsible tourism, urban regeneration and social cohesion) TVT ON-LINE SERVICE FOR FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES  By March 2020

Task 3.7 Support of cooperation to enhance internationalisation 3.7 Promotion of Cooperation to enhance Internationalization D.3.7.1 Setting up a MED Creative Cluster clustering of the Regional/National Nests to increase the impact of CIs in the MED Area focusing on Social Innovation sectors (social cohesion, urban regeneration and sustainable tourism) The MED cluster will include a crowdsourcing platform able to set-up transnational cooperation and joint venture. Technopolis MED CREATIVE CLUSTER CLUSTERING THE NESTS CROWDSOURCING PLATFORM  D.3.7.2. Strengthening the joint cooperation and the cross-innovation activities by CIs industries The crowd-sourcing platform fed with 20 Ideas for new services and products, proposal for partnership, etc. coming from all actors involved during the project activities At least 20 proposals will be launched and connected at transnational level during the project  20 PROPOSALS (totally) TRANSNATIONAL LEVEL D.3.7.3. Setting up a international service to promote the cooperation in MED area Each Nest will assist SMEs from CIs to finalize 2 transnational cooperation one one/more Social Innovation sectors. Coordinators of Tourism (UNIVE), Urban Re-generation (BA) and social cohesion(FVG) will coordinate and assure the necessary flow of information 2*7 TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION ESTABLISHED ON THE 3 SECTORS OF SOCIAL INNOVATION  By June 2020

Clustering the Nests with Social Innovation ITALY-VENETO NEST 2 ITALY-FVG NEST 3 CROATIA - ZICER NEST 4 SLOVENIA-MARIBOR NEST 5 SPAIN – CATALUNIA NEST 6 GREEK- ATHENS NEST 7 FRANCE PACA REGION Social Cohesion Urban regeneration Soustainable tourism

Task 3.8 Evaluation of pilot activities D.3.8.1. Monitoring and Evaluation Methodology of pilot activities A methodology for setting up the evaluation system for the services provided by the Nests and the MED CIs Cluster The methodology will be validated by the Scientific Committee BARCELONA ACTIVA 1 METHODOLOGY 1 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE MEETING  D.3.8.2. Interim Evaluation Report of Pilot activities The Interim evaluation of the pilot activities will be elaborated by the Scientific Committee with the support of the Partnership  INTERIM EVALUATION REPORT 1 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE MEETING D.3.8.3. Final Evaluation Report of Pilot activities Final Pilot Action Evaluation report validated by the Scientific committee FINAL EVALUATION REPORT By July 2020