Chapter 13: Chief Executives & Bureaucracies
Vocabulary 2. Amnesty *3. Bureaucracy *4. Cabinet *5. Chief of Staff TERM DEFINITION *1. Administration the president, along with his or her personal staff and advisers; also, a president’s time in office 2. Amnesty a general pardon usually granted to a group of people *3. Bureaucracy a large, complex organization that functions under uniform rules and procedures *4. Cabinet the heads of the executive departments of the federal government *5. Chief of Staff the head of the White House staff 6. Civil Servant a civilian employee who works in a government agency
Vocabulary *7. Executive Order 8. Line of Succession 9. Martial Law TERM DEFINITION *7. Executive Order a rule or regulation issued by a president or governor that has the force of law 8. Line of Succession the order of successors to the presidency if the president is unable to serve as specified in the Constitution and federal law 9. Martial Law military rule established over a civilian population during a time of emergency *10. Pardon a decree that frees a person from punishment for a crime 11. Pocket Veto pocket veto the automatic killing of a bill by refusing to either sign it or veto it 12. Privatization the practice of contracting private companies to do jobs once done by civil servants
Presidential Line of Succession # Office Current officer 1 Vice President of the United States Joe Biden (D) 2 Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R) 3 President pro tempore of the Senate Orrin Hatch (R) 4 Secretary of State John Kerry (D) 5 Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew (D) 6 Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter (D) 7 Attorney General Eric Holder (D) — Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell (D)[a] 8 Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack (D) 9 Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker (D) 10 Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez (D) 11 Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell (D) 12 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro (D) 13 Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx (D) 14 Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz (D) 15 Secretary of Education Arne Duncan (D) 16 Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert McDonald (R) 17 Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson (D)
President Governor Mayor Chief Executive President Governor Mayor
Formal Qualifications for President QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENT AGE 35 Years Old BORN In the United States LIVED IN US 14 years (ex. Foreign Diplomat’s child) 22nd Amendment (1951) no one who has been elected president twice or who has served one full term plus more than half of another term can seek the office again
Removal From Office TYPE DEFINITION REASONS RECALL Procedure to remove an elected official through petition and special election Certain number of people in electorate agree that an elected official is unsatisfactory and sign petition IMPEACHMENT Formal accusation of president’s wrongdoing (House majority to impeach and 2/3rds Senate majority to remove) “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
Powers of the President WHO? POWERS SOLE Commander in Chief Commission military officers Grant reprieves and pardons Call Congress to special session Receive foreign ambassadors Ensure laws of Congress are being followed Exercise executive power Appoint officials to executive office SHARED WITH SENATE Make treaties Appoint ambassadors, judges, and high officials CONGRESS Approve legislation
Presidential Hall of Fame GEORGE WASHINGTON 1st President “Mr. President” Cabinet Dignity to the position Commander in Chief THOMAS JEFFERSON ANDREW JACKSON ABRAHAM LINCOLN TEDDY ROOSEVELT FRANKLIN D. Author of Declaration of Independence 1st Secretary of State Louisiana Purchase Champion of “the people” Veto power Executive checks and balances Chinstrap Preserver of the Union Abolished slavery “Bully Pulpit” Fought for labor, health and consumers Panama Canal Conservation New Deal Social welfare Led us from out of Great Depression and WWII Served longest term
CHIEF CHIEF DESCRIPTION Executive _______ Head of a large corporation, C.E.O. _____ of State Represents USA at ceremonies and events Commander In ______ Head of armed forces and all military operations ______ Diplomat Works with foreign leaders to negotiate treaties, make alliances, and resolve conflicts _____ Policy Maker Sets the agenda for policy and legislation _____ MGR. of Economy No formal power but can influence Congress Party Leader of their political party and influence of party members in Congress _____ Citizen Represents citizens in behavior and in times of tragedy
Executive Departments Health/Human Services Housing/Urban Development DESCRIPTION Agriculture Inspect food/help farmers Commerce Promote trade and tech. Defense Provide military/defense Education Fund public education Energy Advise energy policy Health/Human Services National health programs Homeland Security Security within our borders Housing/Urban Development Manage public housing Interior Manage public land/resources Justice Enforce fed. law/court cases Labor Enforce labor law State Advise on foreign policy Transportation Regulate highways and transit Treasury Form tax and financial policy Veterans Affairs Benefits/services to Veterans
Bureaucratic Power SOURCE DESCRIPTION Legislative and Budgetary Support Bureaucracy relies on laws and sufficient funding Interest Group Support Government agencies main gain or lose support based on interest groups Expertise of Bureaucrats Effective bureaucracies need highly qualified people in each position Longevity or Permanence The longer the agency has been around the better. Seniority is valued as more experience is gained. Effective Leadership Effective leadership leads to successful bureaucracies Citizen Demand Citizens need to be concerned and demand the bureaucracy