Emulsion Task Force (ETF) AASHTO TSP2 Indianapolis, IN Nov 28-29, 2018 By: Colin A. Franco, P.E. Assc. Chief Eng. RIDOT
ETG & ETF – Founding Father Jim Sorenson
PAVEMENT PRESERVATION EXPERT TASK GROUP ETG - Formation PAVEMENT PRESERVATION EXPERT TASK GROUP (PPETG) Established in 1991 by FHWA / Jim Sorenson Promote the institutionalization of the concepts of pavement preservation Parent group of “Emulsion Task Force”
Preservation Partnerships 8 Regional Bridge & Pavement Preservation Partnerships Bridge Preservation Partnership
Mission PPETG The FHWA PPETG will advance and improve the state of the practice in the area of pavement preservation by working collaboratively with federal, state, local agencies, industry, academic interests, and the 9 regional bridge & pavement preservation partnerships.
Emulsion Task Force (ETF)
ETF - Background Idea conceived at AEMA-ISSA-ARRA meeting February 2008 under guidance of Jim Sorenson, FHWA Identified need for industry expertise and involvement in ongoing research activities pertaining to asphalt emulsions and finished product systems First meeting in Newport Beach, CA April 7-8, 2008
Encourage Adoption of Uniform National Standards EFT - Original Scope Deliverables Advance the Effort to Develop Performance Based Methods & Specification for Emulsions Protocols for design Protocols for performance Protocols for inspection & acceptance Encourage Adoption of Uniform National Standards
ETF - Subcommittees Emulsion Testing & Residue Recovery Methods Arlis Kadrmas- Chair Residue Tests Gayle King- Chair Note: Subcommittees Combined as of March 2010 Arlis Kadrmas to chair combined group
ETF - Subcommittees Aggregates, Mix Design, and Performance Tests Mary Stroup-Gardiner- Chair Approved Supplier Certification Roger Hayner- Chair Inspection & Acceptance Colin Franco- Chair Tack Coat Review (Formed 7/26/10) Chris Abadie- Chair Recycling Emulsions ( NEW)
AASHTO Submittals - Deliverables Four Standards submitted to AASHTO for Adoption Standard Practice for Certifying Suppliers of Emulsified Asphalt Recovering Residue from Emulsified Asphalt using Low Temperature Evaporative Techniques – AASHTO TP-72 Determining Asphalt Binder Bond Strength by Means of the Bitumen Bond Strength Test (BBS) Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder for Surface Treatments (Surface Performance Graded (SPG) Spec)
AASHTO Submittals – Deliverables (cont.) 6 Test methods for chip seals submitted to AASHTO SOM Note: Test methods developed and compiled by P.I. S.Shuler through NCHRP 680
Experimental Approach (Initial Strawman) – for E/SPG Purpose Purpose Test Test Conditions Conditions Report Report Residue Recovery Residue Recovery Forced Draft Oven Forced Draft Oven 24 hrs @ambient + 24 hrs @ambient + ü ü % Residue % Residue 24 hrs @60 24 hrs @60 º º C C Tests on Residue from Forced Draft Oven Tests on Residue from Forced Draft Oven High Temperature DSR DSR - - MSCR MSCR T T ü ü J J h h nr nr DSR freq sweep DSR freq sweep T T ü ü G* & phase angle G* & phase angle h h Polymer Identifier Polymer Identifier DSR DSR - - MSCR MSCR T T @3200 Pa @3200 Pa ü ü % Recoverable % Recoverable h h (Elasticity/Durability) (Elasticity/Durability) Strain Strain High Float Identifier High Float Identifier DSR DSR – – T T ü ü Test to be Test to be h h (Bleeding)* (Bleeding)* non non - - linearity linearity developed developed Tests on PAV after Forced Draft Oven Residue Tests on PAV after Forced Draft Oven Residue Low Temperature Low Temperature DSR freq sweep DSR freq sweep 10 & 20 10 & 20 º º C C ü ü G* G* (Aged Brittleness)* (Aged Brittleness)* Model low T Model low T ü ü Phase Angle Phase Angle Polymer Degradation Polymer Degradation DSR DSR - - MSCR MSCR T T @3200 Pa @3200 Pa ü ü Recoverable Strain Recoverable Strain h h (Before/After PAV)* (Before/After PAV)* Ratio Ratio Bending Beam Rheometer
Emulsion Use and Performance Survey Survey of PP Treatments Emulsion Product/System Survey Evaluation Conducted by Andrew Hanz of Univ. Wisconsin Madison and Colin Franco of RIDOT Updated prior survey format and submitted to ETF Identify/prioritize widely used applications Define 2 critical distresses and mechanism of failure for priority application Determine testing needs Existing Tests which are applicable Research or new tests needed
ETF Survey Results Top Product Usage Priority Chipseals= 100% Tack Coat= 66.7% Microsurfacing= 62% Modes of Failure Defined- e.g: Chipseals Chip Loss Bleeding Binder Cracking (Reflective or Environmental) Underlying Mechanisms Identified Existing Tests Available- 84% Yes
AASHTO Construction Specification J.T.F. AASHTO has Commissioned a Joint Task Force (S.O. Maintenance, S.O. Construction, and Comp) to work on the construction guide specifications for all emulsion treatments. Larry Galehouse – was instrumental in getting this going – working with AASHTO COMP, S.O. Maintenance, and S.O. Construction
Best Practices Document (draft) Accomplishments- Pre 2013 Best Practices Document (draft) Original deliverable for Chip Seals and Micro Surfacings. Low Temperature Residue Recovery Method Plan for Inter-lab Study and data collection (ongoing) TP 72 Precision and bias study with AMRL for TP 72
ETF Reenergized Mission - 2013 Advance the Effort to Develop Performance Based Methods & Specification for Emulsions Encourage Adoption of Uniform National Standards Develop AASHTO STDs for all the Emulsion Treatments (listed on next slide) Materials Specs Test Methods Design Practices Construction Guide Specs Develop QA protocols and standards for all Emulsion Treatments
ETF Reenergized Mission- Post 2013, Treatments Requiring Specs Chip Seal Micro Surfacing Tack Coat Fog Seal Scrub Seal Sand Seal Slurry Seal Foam Asphalt Stabilization Thin Bonded Surface Treatment Cold Mixes Virgin Recycled CIR
Accomplishments, 2015, Emulsion Binder Specifications M 140, Published Fall 2016 M 208, Published Fall 2016 M-316, Published Fall 2016 All new AASHTO Standards
Construction Guide Specs Emulsion Binder Standards Accomplishments – Emulsion Treatment Standards Status: AASHTO Emulsion STDs AASHTO STANDARDS Emulsion Treatments M / MP T / TP R W/ SOM Comments Construction Guide Specs Best Practices Chip Seal MP27-16 PP82-16 NCHRP 14-37 Microsurfacing MP28-16 PP83-16 Tack Coat MP-XX* PP93-18 Fog Seal MP33-17 PP88-17 Scrub Seal Y** PP91-18 Sand Seal MP34-18 PP90-18 Slurry Seal MP32-17 PP87-17 Foam Asphalt Stabilization Bonded Surface Treatments (Nova Chip) ü 2018 Cold Recycled Mixtures MP31-17 PP86-17 NCHRP 9-62 Legend Emulsion Binder Standards W/TRB M=Material Specs Emulsified Asphalt M140-16 T=Test Methods Cationic Emulsified Asphalt M208-16 R=Design Practices Polymer-Modified Cationic Emulsified Asphalt M316-16 P=Provisional Emulsion/Surface Performance Grades (E/SPG) NCHRP 9-63 ü=Draft STD Submitted to SOM Y**=Tabled by ETF
Next Steps-Short Term Plan Complete drafting of AASHTO standards for remaining emulsion treatments Develop QA protocols for emulsion treatments starting with microsurfacing and chip seals Complete Draft of E/SPG Specifications Chip Seal QA Std. Completed
QA – Holistic Approach for all Emulsion Treatments National Accepted Standards Materials Specs, Test Methods, Design Practices, Construction Specs, etc Materials QA: Acceptance Testing (Agency) QC - Quality Control (Contractor) IA - Independent Assurance (Agency) New Process / Product Acceptance Procedures Materials Certification: Agency Acceptance Plans QC Plans (Contractor) Vendor Supplied Material Certifications Workmanship QA: Equipment Calibration Construction Process Checks
QA – Holistic Approach (cont.) Education, Training, and Certification: Define the training needs for Agency / Contactor Staff Education and Training Resources, NHI, TCCC, and Industry Certification Program for Contractor / Agency Field Staff Note: National Center for Pavement Preservation is taking the lead on education and training. WRAPP is helping.
Development of SPG Specification for Emulsions using Superpave Principles SWG Chair, Mike Voth of FHWA is leading this effort Research and field studies being used for SPG development: TxDOT – Chip seals, Darren Hazlett with Dr. Amy Epps NCHRP project 9-50 – Dr. R. Kim at NC State Federal Lands Chip Seal research by Dr. Gayle King Note 1. PG - Surface Performance Graded Note 2. This work will supplement the TxDOT SPG spec currently at the AASHTO SOM.
Development of SPG Specification for Emulsions using Superpave Principles Plans for 2018 Develop a draft specification for review by the ETF – To complete review by 2018. Conduct field trials using the specification. TXDOT has already conducted trials with their spec. Finalize the spec for review by AASHTO in 2019?? NCHRP Project 9-63 will validate E/SPG Spec. Note:draft ETF spec is part of the proposal.
Draft E/SPG Specification (Example)
Successfully Initiated Research: ETF Research Successfully Initiated Research: NCHRP 14-37: Construction Spec for Chip Seal, Microsurfacing, Fog Seal NCHRP 9-62: Cold Recycling Mixtures NCHRP 9-63: Emulsion Performance Grading Problem Statements 2019 Construction Guide Specs – Slurry Seals and Tack Coats Emulsion based rejuvenating seals Proposal to FHWA Office of Innovation for emulsion
Promoting the Use of Emulsions - Need a comprehensive Plan - Now that the AASHTO Standards exist for most emulsion treatments, we now need to: Develop a marketing plan/marketing tools Promote the technology to Agencies Industry Academia – create course curricula How will this be done? Regional PP groups AASHTO SO Mat, SO Maint, SO Hwy Design, AEMA-ISSA-ARRA meetings/conferences. = Subcommittee needed !!!!!? =
Champion of the Pavement Preservation Movement Acknowledgements Jim Sorenson 1949-2009 Champion of the Pavement Preservation Movement
Questions… ?