My email address is First Grade Daily Homework December 10-14 WOW: Truth– Freedom from deceit or falseness; based on fact or reality. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Spelling: Complete one choice from the Speller’s Choice menu. Read for 20 minutes Math: Worksheet Math :Worksheet Spelling: Study for test tomorrow HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND! Parent Signature: Spelling Words: Dictation Sentences: got pop not fox hop She will flop on her bed. plot clog block clock spot It will clog up the sink. Bonus Words: our would Reminders December 11th- McDonalds Night 5-8pm December 12th- The Grinch movie Field Trip December 13th- Doughnuts for Dads 8:30 am December 14th – Movie Night 6pm Ten tardies/early dismissals = one absence P.E is on Thursdays. Students need to wear tennis shoes. My email address is Please contact me if you have any questions or comments! FOCUS Math- Doubles and Doubles plus 1 Phonics- short “o” Reading- A Musical Day Science- Moon phases Social Studies- World Holidays Writing- Informative Writing Vocabulary: village- a small town usually in the country crisp- cool, fresh, and dry