Write-up of Recce/Site Analysis Our main shooting location will be 72 Ladysmith Rd, this will act as Frank/Junkie’s home. This is where we will be shooting a majority of our scenes, with bout 4-7 of them being created in this location. We will use the location to introduce Frank and give insights into his character. The location is suitable because the structure of the house is simple allowing us to film inside fairly easily as well as making the process of setting it up as a believable drug addicts home an easy task. The ‘ordinary’ location makes it conventional of thriller. Our other location is a side alley next to 59 Carlyle Ave. This will serve as the location in which Junkie will be on patrol and sees ordinary interactions as threatening. The location is suitable as it won’t be too busy, allowing us to set up and film efficiently and is conventional of thriller because it is once again ordinary. The locations are public and therefore we do not need any permission to shoot there. The areas should be fairly quiet even during the day so we wouldn’t expect too much noise or visual interference. The only health and safety concerns to take into consideration are general awareness of public and traffic.