MDE’s Phase III WIP Inventory 2018 Fall Regional WIP Meetings Gregorio Sandi MDE Integrated Water Planning Program
What is the Inventory? MDE’s WIP Inventory is a process that is designed to: Promote long-term partnerships State/County/Municipalities MDE Integrated Water Planning Program Provide interactive format to coordinate Developing the Phase III WIP Support local priorities Assist in implementing WIP strategies Identify barriers and solutions to meeting local and State goals Identify Best Management Practices (BMPs) for planning and future funding Incorporate “co-benefits” concept
MDE WIP Inventory Timeline Summer/Fall 2018: Conduct focused meetings between county staff and MDE/MDP staff to investigate current status of WIP Strategies and to identify needs Fall 2018 Regional Workshops: Local staff to review WIP Summary sheets to provide strategy refinement for WIP goals Winter/ Spring 2019: Build feedback from local partners into the WIP adaptive management strategy Summer 2019: WIP is approved by EPA and MDE conducts follow up visits to each jurisdiction 2019 & Beyond: Continue outreach to ensure all partners are aware of changes in planning and WIP efforts
First Round of Meetings Completed in July – October 2018 Promote State/Jurisdiction partnership Assessments of what we can achieve now and what we can plan for post 2025
Statewide Feedback We are listening! A high-level synopsis of key feedback from around the State
County Feedback: State-Level Support Jurisdictions believe they are understaffed and underfunded, the State needs to provide additional resources Money (Particularly Non-MS4 jurisdictions) Increase funding levels of existing grants Need ranking metrics beyond pounds per dollar Need dedicated WIP Implementation funds Ensure equitable distribution of funds across the State Staffing BMP Verification (Inspections and Maintenance are a HUGE time commitment) GIS & Data Management (Tracking BMPs) Proposed urban “SCD” model
County Feedback: Designing the WIP The Phase III WIP should reflect goals that align with local priorities Stormwater permit obligations Local water quality Flooding Sea level change Other Jurisdiction priorities Realize the Maryland WIP community is not one size fits all Stormwater? Predominantly rural counties Competitive economic pressures from other States (shrinking populations) Ultra urban areas with little land to implement BMPs
County Feedback: Increased Outreach Jurisdictions feel that the State needs to maintain more consistent and frequent communication with local jurisdictions Greater outreach to promote the process Promote private landowners that participate in restoration Design tools that better highlight local success
County Feedback: Phase III BMP Strategies MS4 Community: MS4 Stormwater restoration strategies reflect WIP goals Non MS4: Phase II BMP strategies were robust and represent current WIP strategy Strategy and Targeting Many efforts rely on opportunity more than strategic goals We need to come up with new BMP solutions The permitting process needs to be more streamlined Stream Restoration Stormwater Management Wetlands
County Feedback: Adapting to Changing Conditions Witnessing larger, flashier storms with greater precipitation rates Need to plan/design for greater water quantity and flow control Need to be able to drain flat coastal areas Counties are witnessing site level BMPs overwhelmed in urban areas Increased flooding Increased volume and flow rates are damaging infrastructure Need ways to address this in a more timely fashion (e.g. reduced permiting requirements) There needs to be a plan for loss of coastal land
Next Steps for today WIP Summary Sheet: Conservative estimate of possible implementation potential Developed in response to collective inventory meeting responses Give jurisdictions a visual look at potential Phase III WIP goals Not final, opportunity for feedback from each jurisdiction (Actual #s will vary) Build Phase III WIP Goals Help us with creating meaningful feedback Build in Adaptive Management Prioritize BMPs that are in the Long-term plan for potential inclusion in near-term Breakout Sessions: Vet the WIP Summary created by MDE, improve the document to ensure that goals it is consistent with local priorities, Make the document a useful high-level planning tool
Establishing Local Goals STATE-LOCAL ENGAGEMENT WIP Inventory Meetings Regional Meetings Other meetings, as necessary Estimate number & type of BMPs to be installed within each county by 2025 BMPs input into P6 CAST model: Load reductions by county/sector Adaptive Management Phase III WIP Final Report August 2019 Updates at each 2-year milestone Local Goals county-wide by sector U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Expectations for the Phase III Watershed Implementation Plans EPA expects each of the seven jurisdictions to describe in their respective Phase III WIPs: Local planning goals below the state-major basin scales and in the form best suited for directly engaging local, regional, and federal partners in WIP implementation.
Moving Forward MDE will continue to work directly with local jurisdictions to: Develop and implement plans to meet water quality goals Assist in aligning these plans with other local priorities Promote, and assist with, additional work that goes into long-term planning To 2025 and beyond!!! Gregorio Sandi MDE – Integrated Water Planning Program Chesapeake Bay Restoration Section Acknowledgement: All of the photographs in this presentation came from MDE or