Warm Up # 29 What is the role of a government? How should people respond if the government isn’t doing their job?
Warm Up # 30 How did the people of France feel about their King and Queen, why did they feel that way?
Warm Up # 31 Can peace ever come from violence, why or why not?
French Revolution Videos 1-3 Revolutions Workbook. 5 Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u64i-4Y- OiM&feature=youtu.be&list=PL78042E17E60D72CF 2nd: Video 8 – 7:22 6th: Video 4: 9:34
After Video # 1 SUHUPU: If you won the lottery tomorrow, 100 Million Dollars, what would you do between now and the end of the year?
After Video # 2 Agree Disagree Statement: There should be no limits on free speech, people should be able to say whatever they want, wherever they want. Agree Disagree
After Video # 3 What is the main job of a government?
Stop at Video 5 1:13 AGREE Disagree Statement: Louis XVI deserves to die AGREE Disagree
Stop At Video 6: 2:45 Read: Revolutions Book: Pg. 38 Articles 7 and 8 Is the National Assembly keeping true to their ideals?
Stop After Video 7 Discuss: How do you prove a negative? How can you every prove that you are not something?
Who is the worst? Louis XVI Marie Robespierre Marat
How does absolute power affect people?