Ch 11 Sec 1 Review Questions 3 pts each /30 WWI & the Russian Revolution
A non-binding agreement to follow common policies. The glorification of the military. List the two provinces claimed by both Germany & France. A final demand The policy of not taking sides in a war List the 3 nations that created the Triple Alliance. List 2 major causes of rising international tensions in the early 1900’s. Explain why Serbian nationalists were angry when Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary visited Bosnia. List the reason why Russia joined World War I. Explain what the Schlieffen Plan was designed to avoid.
Answers 3 pts each /30
Entente Militarism Alsace & Lorraine Ultimatum Neutrality/neutral Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary Competition for colonial territories, Socialist Workers movement, anarchist movement They saw the Austrians as oppressive/ unfair/ harsh/cruel/ foreign rulers Austria declared war on Serbia, & Russia was its ally To avoid a war on two fronts