Medical Department Special Pays Information
Purpose Provide administrative information to assist in managing command special pays program. Provide knowledge on where to find information on special pays. Provide current policies and procedures in processing, approval and payment of special pays. Provide guidance and answer questions on special pay issues.
Table of Contents Page Content 4 References 5 Command Admin/HRD/Special Pays Office Responsibilities 9 Contacting BUMED 10 Submission of Requests 12 Retroactive Requests 15 Types of Special Pays, and Eligibility for each 17 Incentive Pay (IP) 22 Board Certification Pay (BCP) 24 IP and BCP Pay Screen Identifiers in DFAS Pay System 25 Retention Bonus (RB) 28 RB Pay Screen Identifies in DFAS Pay System 29 List of MMPA FORMAT IDs (FID) For Special Pays 30 UIC Reports 32 Reserve Officers eligibility for Active Duty Medical Special Pays 34 Conclusion
References Below are the references you need to be familiar with, and review as applicable: TITLE 10 and TITLE 37, CHAPTER 5 U.S.C. Section 335 DODI 6000.13 signed 30 Dec 2015 ASD(HA) Annual Medical, Dental, Medical Service, and Nurse Corps Special Pay Plan OPNAVINST 7220.17 FY Special Pays NAVADMIN Other DOD and Navy Instructions regarding officer policies MilPersMan Separations Manual Correspondence Manual DODFMR Vol. 7
Special Pays General Rules All requests must be dated and submitted to BUMED Total Force for approval no earlier than 60 days prior to, and no later than 30 days after, the requested effective date. Special pays are bonuses requiring member to sign active duty agreement, the member is responsible for timely submission of request. Failure to do so could affect eligibility date, which is explained in the retroactive submission portion of the brief Commands must endorse either favorably, or unfavorably, and forward for determination to Chief, BUMED. Commanding Officers cannot approve/disapprove, nor hold requests. Any questions from personnel in the command should be directed to the Command HRD/Admin Office, or command Special Pays Coordinator, and the HRD/Admin/Special Pays should contact BUMED Special Pays for guidance/assistance if necessary. Prior to submitting any inquiries regarding payment the command HRD/Admin/Special Pays/CPPA Whenever in doubt, or unsure, email the BUMED Special Pays email address.
Special Pays General Rules cont’d All inquiries and submission of requests etc. are to be sent via email to the BUMED Special Pays Organizational Mail Box (OMB) located below, and on the Special Pays webpage . If you have any documents, or packages, to submit they should be emailed to BUMED Special Pay vice mailed via U.S. Postal Service (USPS). If you would like notification of receipt of the email use the “Receipt when received” and “Receipt when read” options of OUTLOOK. You will receive automatic notification of both via OUTLOOK. Due to the volume of emails received NO verification of receipt emails will be sent by the BUMED Special Pays office. The only notification that will be sent is if there are any issues with the documentation submitted, which an email notification will be sent back to the sender stating what needs to be corrected. Once corrected ALL documentation will need to be resent from the original submission, and not just what was corrected. BUMED email address
ADMIN INFO (Responsibilities) Command Admin/HRD/Special Pays Responsibilities- The Command Admin/HRD/Special Pays is the command’s Program Manager for the Medical Special Pays program, and as such is the Command’s Subject Matter Expert (SME), and responsible for the administration of the program for the command. Admin/HRD/Special Pays personnel are expected to be familiar with the references listed in this brief, and keep command personnel up to date on current policies. Continually review the Special Pays webpage for updated information, and forward to command personnel any new information or changes announced. Command Special Pays Coordinator, and Command Pay and Personnel Administrator (CPPA), should be the same individual, or if not the CPPA needs to work closely with the Special Pays, and have access to the Master Military Pay Account (MMPA) to review individual service members pay accounts.
ADMIN INFO (Responsibilities cont’d) All new member’s of the command upon reporting should check in with Admin/HRD/Special Pays, and should be advised of the command’s special pays program, and the command’s policy regarding submission and processing of special pays. Command HRD/CPPA/Special Pays SME should become familiar with reviewing special pays in the Master Military Pay Account (MMPA), and attempt to resolve any issues for the service member at the earliest point possible in the service member’s chain of command, and only those cases unable to be resolved at the command are to be submitted to BUMED Special Pays. Commands are responsible to verify eligibility of member for special pay being requested IAW the annual Pay Guidance.
ADMIN INFO (Contacting BUMED) The Command Admin/HRD/Special Pay are the only personnel who should be contacting the BUMED Special Pays. All personnel should submit their inquiry to their Command Admin/HRD/Special Pays office, and the Command Admin/HRD/Special Pays office contact BUMED Special Pays if necessary. When contacting BUMED Special Pays provide as much detailed information as possible at a minimum the last name, first name of the service member, as well as what actions the command has taken, and research it conducted prior to submitting the inquiry. Remember Navy requires the statement “FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO)-PRIVACY SENSITIVE. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties” in the body of all email containing any PII to include the name.
ADMIN INFO (Submission of Requests) Submitting of Special Pays Requests - Templates for the requests and endorsements can be found on the BUMED Special Pays webpage Click on “Special Pays Templates for Submission,” and locate the appropriate templates for the request and CO endorsement for the specific request. NO alterations are to be made to the templates except for the portions that apply to the individual service member submitting the request. Member, or command, prepares the request for member signature. The Command Admin/HRD/Special Pays verifies member’s eligibility IAW OPNAVINST 7220.17, and the annual Pay Guidance. Once member has been verified to be eligible for the special pays being requested IAW the annual pay guidance, the CO endorsement is completed and signed by the CO, or Acting. For larger commands with a Chief of Staff, the COS may sign; however, if not signing as Acting the From line must state from Chief of Staff. All special pays requests must be endorsed by the Commanding Officer. BY DIRECTION IS NOT AUTHORIZED!!!
ADMIN INFO (Submission of Requests cont’d) Once the endorsement is signed, the command should make a copy for the member, and one for the command files, and scan and email the request, endorsement, and any supporting documentation to the BUMED Special Pays, Organizational Mail Box (OMB), which is located on the BUMED Special Pays webpage. In cases where requests are being submitted for effective dates near the beginning of an FY, requests cannot be submitted earlier than the release date of that FY Medical Special Pays NAVADMIN. Even if the effective date has passed. The date of the request and endorsement cannot be earlier than the release date of the NAVADMIN. Also, requests going back as far as the beginning of an FY cannot be submitted any later than 30 days after the release date of the NAVADMIN, or will have to be submitted as retroactive provided there is appropriate justification.
ADMIN INFO (Submission of Retroactive Requests) Retroactive Requests – A Retroactive request is required anytime the request and/or the CO endorsement is dated more than 30 days after the effective date. Retroactive payment of special pays is not authorized, except in unusual circumstances where the reason for delay was unavoidable on the part of the service member. As a result requests for retroactive special pays are to be rare in nature, which requires justification in the CO endorsement to explain in detail and be specific as to why the service member was unable to submit the request, from the time first authorized, until the actual date the request is submitted. Requests are submitted IAW OPNAVINST 7220.17 regarding requirements for submitting a retroactive request. Requests can be submitted no earlier than 60 days prior to, and no later than 30 days after, the effective date requested by the service member. The command endorsement must provide a detailed, and specific explanation that is “clearly justifiable” on why the member was unable to submit the request on time. The justification is not explaining why the member DID NOT submit the request on time, but why the member COULD NOT submit the request on time.
ADMIN INFO (Submission of Retroactive Requests cont’d) Justification for Retroactive Request - The justification must provide clear evidence that the delay was in no part the fault of, due to any decision, or failure to act, on the part of the member. Examples of what are NOT considered justification includes, but is not limited to, things such as member did not know, member forgot, member was unsure, member misunderstood, member recently decided to stay in, member did not submit as intent was not to remain on active duty, or admin error. The justification must also be explained in detail and be specific. Admin error can only be used when the justification clearly explains how the admin error was not on the part of the member. For example, the member contacted the command coordinator on time, but the coordinator failed to properly process the request on time, is an example of admin error that would be sufficient, but would need to be explained in similar manner. Other examples of justification would be member was misinformed by the command coordinator, member was deployed and unable to communicate with command, or member had to wait for notification from the board of certification status to submit for BCP etc.
ADMIN INFO (Submission of Retroactive Requests cont’d) If the justification is due to something that occurred at a previous command, then the current command will need in writing, a statement from the previous command stating, what occurred. A command cannot state what did, or did not occur, at a previous command without documentation from that command stating such. Command Admin/HRD/Special Pays should be advising members when they report to the command on submission policies of the command, and checking the member’s MMPA record to see if member is receiving correct special pays. If member is not receiving the correct special pays then contact BUMED Special Pays. If everyone reporting to the command receives the brief on how to submit for special pays while assigned to the command, and the command HRD/Admin/Special Pays is sending out periodic information informing members of the command when to submit, and updates of the Pay Guidance etc., there should be no reasons for retroactive requests as a result of the member not knowing.
Types of Special Pays Consolidated Special Pays are governed under Title 37, Chapter 5, Section 335, which consists of three types of pay, an officer may be eligible for, and each is a separate pay, so a member may be eligible to receive all three at one time if the service member meets the eligibility requirements for all three, and the service member’s specialty is eligible for all three. Incentive Pay (IP) - Member signs contract for minimum period of one year, and must serve the initial one year. After the first year is completed member does not have to submit a new request, and the IP will continue to be paid at the rate in the agreement. Retention Bonus (RB) - Member signs multiple year contract, as authorized in the FY Pay Guidance to serve on active duty for period of obligation outlined in the RB agreement. For the duration of the agreement member will be paid RB, and IP if authorized, rate in the RB agreement.
Types of Special Pays (Cont’d) Board Certification Pay (BCP) - Member submits request/agreement agreeing to obligate for minimum period of one year, and must serve the initial one year. The BCP is the same as the IP with regards to after the one year the pay will continue to be paid. Specific information for each pay will be explained in the following slides; however, the Annual Pay Guidance must be used in determining eligibility requirements, rates etc. for the particular year the agreement is effective.
INCENTIVE PAY (IP) Incentive Pay (IP) General Rules: Incentive Pay (IP) – Member submits request/agreement, with CO endorsement, for minimum period of one year, and must serve the initial one year. HRD/Admin/Special Pays must verify member’s eligibility date based on eligibility requirements listed in the FY Pay Guidance. Minimum ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS, which the date member meets all requirements to be eligible for IP, are: must be on active duty must be licensed must be privileged and practicing (or approved waiver) (date reported to command awaiting full privileges to be established meets the requirement) no earlier than (NET) 3 months after completing the qualifying training. Some examples of determining the effective date are on the next page.
INCENTIVE PAY (IP) cont’d The below are only a few examples to show how to calculate an individuals IP eligibility date, which you will need to apply the rules for each individual case you review prior to submission to BUMED. The key factor for every scenario is the date all requirements are met: Member completed qualifying training 30 Jun 2018, reported to command 20 Jul 2018, and licensed 21 Aug 2018. Eligibility date for IP is 30 Sep 2018. Member meets all eligibility requirements 3 months after completing training. Member completed qualifying training 30 Jun 2018, reported to command 20 Jul 2018, licensed 3 Oct 2018. Eligibility date for IP is 3 Oct 2018. Member met report to command requirement 20 Jul 2018, and 3 months after qualifying training on 30 Sep 2018, but was not licensed until 3 Oct 2018, so 3 Oct 2018, is the date all requirements were met. Member completed qualifying training 30 Jun 2018, licensed on 20 Jul 2018, reported to active duty 16 Nov 2018, and reported to command on 6 Dec 2018. Eligibility date for IP is 6 Dec 2018. Member met license requirement 20 Jul 2018, and 3 months after qualifying training on 30 Sep 2018, and was on active duty as of 16 Nov 2018, but did not report to the command to meet the privileged and practicing requirement until 6 Dec 2018, and is the date all requirements were met.
INCENTIVE PAY (IP) cont’d Member only has to submit initial IP request/agreement for a specific specialty/rate. As long as member maintains eligibility for that rate, there is no need for member to submit another IP request/agreement for the same specialty rate. While under an RB agreement, if eligible for IP, the IP rate during the length of the agreement will be the rate in the RB/IP agreement. If the IP rate changes, or member becomes eligible for a higher IP rate later on while still under the RB agreement, the only way to be paid the new IP rate is to enter a new RB agreement, which will change member’s obligated service date. If member is under an RB agreement where the IP rate is higher than without being under an RB, and the RB agreement expires. Member is required to submit an IP request for the lower without RB rate IP, or submit a new RB/IP request to enter a new RB agreement, effective the day after the RB/IP agreement expired To review MMPA for verification of IP page 24 has a screenshot of MMPA FID 09, and lists the FIDs used to identify the pay being paid for IP and BCP
INCENTIVE PAY (IP) cont’d Processing time can take 2-3 months from date submitted to BUMED until pay posts to member’s paycheck, and will post on LES as SAVED PAY. DFAS cannot start IP until the actual date it is effective, so even if a request is submitted well in advance of the effective date the earliest DFAS can process it in the pay system is the actual effective date, and they have 30 days from the effective date to process it, if it is submitted early.
INCENTIVE PAY (IP) cont’d Eligibility after completing qualifying training is: Medical Corps Internship IP rate – 3 months after completing Medical School Residency/GMO IP rate – 3 months after completing internship and licensed. For those completing residency, eligible for GMO IP day after completing residency. For those entering residency from GMO/UMO/Flight Surgery should submit request for residency IP in advance of starting residency. Specialty IP rate – 3 months after completing residency/fellowship, and privileged and practicing. Dental Corps General Dentist IP rate – 3 months after completing dental school, license, privileged and practicing. Specialty IP rate – 3 months after completing residency. Medical Service Corps/Nurse Corps 3 months after completing qualifying training for specialty, licensed privileged and practicing.
Board Certification Pay (BCP) Member submits request/agreement, with CO endorsement, to remain on active duty for minimum period of one year, and must serve the initial one year. Eligible date is the date all requirements were met, similar to calculating the eligibility date for the IP. Eligibility date is date certified, date reported to active duty, or day after completing the specialty qualification training, whichever is later. Some boards are taken while the member is in the training, and recognized as certified while in the training; however, to be eligible the officer must be assigned the specialty, which does not occur until the member actually completes the training, and why the date certified is not until the day after completing the training. Member must provide verification of certification, by the recognized board listed in the annual pay guidance. BCP will be approved and continue only for the period of MOC or certification; whichever is the earliest to expire. Member will have to provide periodic verification of certification or meeting Maintenance of Certification (MOC).
Board Certification Pay (BCP) cont’d Many Medical Corps boards require annual verification, which means members will have to submit annual verification of certification to continue to receive BCP BCP will not be automatically terminated. Any termination will not occur until notification to either Corps/Command/Individual has been sent to inform member to provide documentation verifying certification. If member is no longer board certified command must notify BUMED to terminate BCP effective the date certification expired, or was terminated. Processing time can take 2-3 months from date submitted to BUMED until pay posts to member’s paycheck.
DFAS PAY SYSTEM IDENTIFIERS FOR IP/BCP Access DFAS MMPA system under FID 09 for SAVED PAY. In FID 09 the IP and BCP will be designated by separate FIDs. The separate FIDS are FID 10 – Medical Corps IP FID 11 – Nurse Corps IP FID 15 – All Corps BCP FID 16 – Medical Service Corps IP FID 17 – Dental Corps IP In the below screenshot member is being paid monthly BCP Rate $500 FID 15, and monthly IP rate $5416.67 FID 10, and on the LES it will reflect SAVED PAY $5916.67. 09 SAVE PAY* ENTRY-OPEN-DT 180625 01 07 1 CNTRL-CODE 0 ACTN 04 START 180623 ENTLMT-MM 2,958.33 ENTLMT 5,916.67 ENTLMT-NM 5,916.67 TXBL-ENTLMT 5,916.67 TXBL-ENTLMT-NM 5,916.67 PREV-GR 05 SAVE-PAY-TYPE G FORMAT-ID 15 MNTLY-RATE 500.00 FORMAT-ID 10 MNTLY-RATE 5,416.67 FORMAT-ID MNTLY-RATE 0.00 FORMAT-ID MNTLY-RATE 0.00 FORMAT-ID MNTLY-RATE 0.00 FORMAT-ID MNTLY-RATE 0.00 FORMAT-ID MNTLY-RATE 0.00 FORMAT-ID MNTLY-RATE 0.00 FORMAT-ID MNTLY-RATE 0.00 0.00 FORMAT-ID MNTLY-RATE 0.00
Retention Bonus (RB) Retention Bonus (RB) – Provided a service member meets all eligibility requirements in the annual Navy Pay Guidance for the respective Corps, the service member may submit a request to Chief, BUMED, via the CO, for a multiyear contract as authorized in the FY Pay Guidance. Before the CO endorses the request the command must verify member meets all eligibility requirements within the annual pay guidance, which includes, but is not limited to: Completion of any accession obligation for education/ training, Health Professions Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP), or accession bonus. The effective date is not in the same FY as the completion date of the qualifying training, and no earlier than 3 months after the completion of the qualifying training. Member is licensed, privileged, and practicing the specialty which the RB is being requested. For MSC and NC it must be the service member’s primary specialty. After verification member is eligible, and CO endorses request, command forwards the request and endorsement via email to BUMED Special Pays.
Retention Bonus (RB) cont’d Upon receipt BUMED will review and verify member’s eligibility, such as statutory service limits which is listed on the next page. If member meets eligibility BUMED Special Pays prepares a contract, which BUMED has 30 days to complete from date of receipt of the correct request. When completed BUMED returns the contract to the POC in member’s request, by email, with instructions to have the member complete the acceptance letter and return it to BUMED to complete the processing of the contract. When BUMED receives the acceptance letter, if accepted, the RB is then processed and submitted to DFAS for payment. Processing time can be 1-2 months from submission to BUMED until payment posts to member’s account Termination and renegotiation of an RB contract to enter a new RB contract is authorized as long as the obligation of the new contract is as long, or longer, than the obligation remaining on the contract being terminated.
Retention Bonus (RB) cont’d Obligations for special pays cannot exceed statutory service, or statutory age, limits. Statutory age limit for all Navy Medicine officers the grade of O-6 and below is 62 years of age. Statutory service limits are as follows below; however, for LT and LCDR member is eligible until a Failure of Selection (FOS) to the next higher grade, then the eligibility to enter an RB is based on when the officer would have to separate/retire: Lieutenant (LT) MSC/NC – 2 looks at promotion Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) – 20 years active duty, includes enlisted active duty, and 2 looks for selection to CDR. Commander (CDR) – 28 years commissioned service. Captain (CAPT) – 30 years commissioned service. Note: RB is not forwarded to DFAS for payment until BUMED has received the acceptance letter back stating the member accepts the terms of the agreement.
DFAS PAY SYSTEM IDENTIFIERS RB You can access the RB MMPA screen under FID RD In the first screenshot below is member’s RB entry with rate $60,000 effective 1 September 2015, and has been paid anniversary payments in FY15, and FY16. To find the actual payment entries to see when member was paid, and the NET amount of the payment after taxes and TSP, you have to go to screen PJ. It could also be under PW, or PX, depending on how DFAS processed it. To search history press F3, and enter the number of years in the HISTORY MMPA? Field to go back to review the member’s history. RD-INCENTIVE SPECIAL PAY - CRNA* ENTRY-OPEN-DT 170828 01 09 1 ENTRY-CLSD-DT 171205 08 12 1 CNTRL-CODE 6 EFF-DATE 150901 AMT-ANL-PAYMT 60,000.00 ENTLMT 120,000.00 PD-TO-DATE 120,000.00 MED-INCNTV-PAY-CODE N NO-DAYS-ENTLMNT-ASP-ISP-MSP-CRNA 0720 ASP-ISP-MSP-CRNA-STOP-DATE 170831 FY 15 AMT-INSTLMT-PMT 60,000.00 FY 16 AMT-INSTLMT-PMT 48,666.67 FY 00 AMT-INSTLMT-PMT 0.00 FY 00 AMT-INSTLMT-PMT 0.00 INSTMT-NR 2 ** END OF INQUIRY. PJ-MED/DEN/NURSE BONUSES* ENTRY-OPEN-DT 160828 01 09 1 ENTRY-CLSD-DT 160831 04 09 1 CNTRL-CODE 2 DATE-VOU 160901 1-TI-PAY-AUTH 160901 AMT-1-TI-PAY 38,967.56 COMPTR-PAY-COND 2 VOU-NR AA004957 GOVT-AGENCY A ADSN 3800
UIC REPORTS UIC Reports may be requested to assist you in tracking special pays for personnel in your command. The reports are provided as a courtesy, and list the officers assigned to a UIC, along with the dates of their special pays, if they are receiving special pays. The reports are a working document that are to be maintained by the command once received. As individuals report to the command add them to the report, when they depart the command remove them, and when they submit a special pay request update their special pays dates. Since the UICs are updated in the BUMED database from OPINS on a periodic basis, and not daily, it is possible the report may not be accurate regarding who is assigned to that UIC, so once you receive the UIC report you will have to verify the report is accurate of who is actually assigned to that particular UIC. Any officer missing you will need to add, and any officer listed in the report no longer in the UIC, you will need to delete. For any officers required to be added you can email BUMED Special Pays to request the special pays and dates for the individuals. Make sure when you send the request you have everyone listed in one email, and not in multiple individual emails. When BUMED returns the requested information, you will need to update the UIC report.
UIC REPORTS cont’d The UIC report being maintained by the command should be more accurate than a new UIC report provided by BUMED, so there should be no reason to request a UIC report, more than once a year, and then only to use the new UIC report to compare with the command UIC report being maintained, to verify if it is being maintained accurately.
Reserve Officers Reserve Officers on orders to active duty for more than 30 consecutive days for temporary recall, mobilization, active duty for training (ADT), or active duty for special work (ADSW), may be eligible for Incentive Pay (IP) at the without Retention Bonus (RB) rate, and/or Board Certification Pay (BCP), provided the officer is ordered to active duty in a specialty eligible for special pays, and meets all the eligibility requirements for the particular pay listed in the annual pay guidance. Upon reporting to active duty the service member must submit a request, with CO endorsement for each pay, submit a copy of orders, and complete the last page of the Reserve Special Pays Information sheet on the BUMED Special Pays webpage. The templates for the request and CO endorsement are the same as for active duty, and can be found on the BUMED Special Pays webpage under Special Pays Templates for Submission. If the orders state the officer’s billet while on active duty is the same specialty for which the IP and/or BCP are being requested then the requests can be endorsed by any CO in the officers chain from date reported to active duty, until reaching ultimate duty assignment.
Reserve Officers cont’d If the officer’s orders do not state the member is reporting to active duty in a billet of the same specialty for which either IP and/or BCP is being requested, then the officer must wait until reporting to ultimate duty assignment to submit a request. Example, if the officer is requesting IP for specialty of Anesthesiology, but orders only state member’s billet assignment is Physician, or Group Surgeon, and not anesthesiology, then officer must wait until reported to ultimate duty assignment, and have Privileging authority verify member is privileged and practicing the specialty (anesthesiology) for which the special pays are being requested, while on active duty. When approved Reserve special pays are paid on a monthly basis, same as active duty, and will reflect in LES as SAVED PAY.
CONCLUSION Email is an important form of communication with the BUMED office, since it provides a written reference for both you and BUMED on the actual communication. If you have any questions, issues, concerns, etc. email, and you should receive a response within 24 hours. However, due to operational tempo it may take longer at some periods throughout the year.