• Heritage Hall • • Euclid Commons • DEPARTMENT OF RESIDENCE LIFE March 26 or 27, 2014 • Fenn Tower • • Heritage Hall • • Euclid Commons • Monday- take place on the 3rd floor of Fenn Tower Participate to choose the room you want for the 2014-2015 academic year! www.csuohio.edu/reslife
Basic Room Selection Information You may NOT remain in your current room unless you attend room selection and select that room for next year. All residents who are selecting bedrooms/suites with a roommate will choose first. *with the exception of HH* Roommate pairs should attend room selection together and select their room when the best number is called. Proxy: If a resident is unable to attend room selection they must send a person in their place to select for them. The proxy must have a CSU ID and the signed proxy form (available at the Department of Residence Life and on our website) to show at room selection. ROOM SELECTION: March 26 or 27, 2014
Room Selection...Everything you want/need to know! In order to participate in room selection applications must be submitted on or before March 7, 2014. Groups are determined based on the number of completed semesters lived on campus. Groups will be emailed and posted on Friday, March 14, 2014 Within each Group, names are put into a computer program that randomizes the list and assigns a number to each resident in each group. The lowest number chooses their room first! Lottery numbers will be emailed and posted Friday, March 21, 2014. For examply, if you have lived on campus for 3 semester you would be in group C if you have lived on campus for 8 semesters you would be in Group A. You should have already received your group. ROOM SELECTION: March 26 or 27, 2014
Room Selection Times March 26 March 27 ROOM SELECTION: March 26 or 27 Group A (7 or more sem on campus) 5:30 PM CHECK IN 5:45 PM BEGIN CALLING Group B (5-6 sem on campus) 5:45 PM CHECK IN 6:00 PM BEGIN CALLING Group C (3-4 sem on campus) 6:00 PM CHECK IN 6:45 PM BEGIN CALLING March 27 Group D Part 1 (1-2 sem on campus) 5:30 PM CHECK IN 6:30 PM BEGIN CALLING Group D Part 2 6:30 PM CHECK IN 7:30 PM BEGIN CALLING ROOM SELECTION: March 26 or 27
5 Stations of Room Selection 1. Check In 2. Look at floor plans and identify top 5 room choices 3. Listen for lottery number and confirm room availability 4. Complete Meal Plan Contract and Resident Profile Sheet 5. Complete Housing Contract ROOM SELECTION: March 26 or 27
Station 1: Check In The room selection process takes place on the 3rd floor of Fenn Tower. Check in takes place in the lobby between the game room and ball room. Please check in at your assigned time prior to the start time of your group. Residence Life Staff will provide you with a room selection card that you must bring to each station You MUST bring your Viking Card to check in ROOM SELECTION: March 26 or 27
Station 2: Look at Floor Plans After Check in proceed to the game room where all of the floor plans for each building will be posted. Select your top 5 choices and write the room number down on the back of your room selection card given to you at check in. ROOM SELECTION: March 26 or 27
Station 3: Confirm Room Availability Listen for your number to be called and follow the direction of the residence life staff. You will be directed to the meeting room down the hall where you can confirm whether your room selection is available. ROOM SELECTION: March 26 or 27
Station 4: Complete Meal Plan Contract and Resident Profile Sheet After you have selected a room you will continue to the ballroom to complete the Meal Plan Contract. A representative from Dining Services will be available to answer your questions. After you complete the Meal Plan Contract, you will be instructed to complete the Resident Profile Sheet. You will turn both of these in during Station 5. ROOM SELECTION: March 26 or 27
Step 5: Complete Housing Contract THE LAST STEP- is also in the ballroom! Here you will sign the housing contract and receive a copy of the terms and conditions! Be sure to turn in your Meal Plan Contract and Resident Profile Sheet. Now you have completed the room selection process! ROOM SELECTION: March 26 or 27
FAQ’s Do I have to pay the $150 security deposit again when I sign my contract? NO. The deposit that you have already paid rolls over to the 2014-2015 academic year. When do I receive my move in information? You will receive move in information in July. What if I cannot make room selection? If you are unable to make it to room selection, you may designate someone to be your proxy. He/she must bring your completed proxy form to the appropriate room selection time. Proxy forms are available in the Residence Life Office in Euclid Commons or online. If you miss this date, you will not be able to choose your room on a later date. If I have a proxy choose my room for me, when do I sign my housing contract? Please come to the Department of Residence Life office during business hours to sign your housing contract. You must sign it by April 11 to receive the renewal rates. ROOM SELECTION: March 26 or 27
FAQ’s If I do not have a roommate, will I be able to choose a room? YES, however you will choose your room at the end of the group to which you are assigned. *this does not apply to Heritage Hall Residents. Can I save a space in my room for an incoming CSU student? YES. When you choose a room, please tell the person at station 3 that you have an incoming CSU student that would like to live with you. Give them the student’s name. We will do our best to place that student in your room. What if I want to stay on campus this summer? Heritage Hall residents current contracts run through July 15, 2013. Everyone else will need to fill out a separate application for summer on our website. Summer Housing will be available in Euclid Commons in buildings 4a and 4b. If you intend to live here this summer, you may want to think about choosing a room in either of these buildings to make your transition smoother. ROOM SELECTION: March 26 or 27
FAQ’s Can I stay in my same room? You may stay in your same room if it is available at the time of your selection. Can 3 people sign up for a quad in FT? We do not have a 4th person. NO. You must fill a bedroom in order to pick during your room selection time. If you do have 3 people and you would like to live in a FT Quad, the 2 people who fill the one room can choose during the assigned lottery number. The remaining 1 person will need to wait until the end of the group in order to choose the same room, if it is still available.
Euclid Commons Renewal Rates Shared Room Academic Year: $7,264 Per Semester: $3,632 Private Room Academic Year: $8,226 Per semester: $4,113 ROOM SELECTION: March 26 or 27
Fenn Tower Renewal Rates Double Academic Year: $6,216 Per Semester: $3,108 Double w/ Kitchen Academic Year: $7,266 Per Semester: $3,633 Quad ROOM SELECTION: March 26 or 27
Heritage Hall Renewal Rates Standard Efficiency Total Contract Value $6,702 Per Semester $3,351 Large Efficiency Total Contract Value $7,444 Per Semester $3,722 1 Bed/ 1 Bath Total Contract Value $8,256 Per Semester $4,128 1 Bed/ 1 Bath Deluxe Total Contract Value $9,288 Per Semester $4,644 ROOM SELECTION: March 26 or 27
Please contact Anne Kowalski Questions??? Please contact Anne Kowalski a.m.kowalski@csuohio.edu (216)687-5196