Agenda Introduction Advisory Circular Changes Consultant Selection Procedures Contract Format and Provisions Methods of Contracting and Allowable Costs Appendices Summary of Significant Changes Questions / Comments
Introduction Purpose of AC – Guide sponsors in selection and engagement of consultant Guidance in three areas: Procedures for selection Contract format and provisions Methods of contracting and allowable costs Update replaced version 14C as of September 30, 2005 Applies to AIP funded projects. Projects fully funded with PFCs not required to comply with AC. Guidelines comply with federal laws and regulations for projects funded under federal grant programs
Consultant Selection Procedures Qualifications Based Selection Procedures (Section 2-3) Adds QBS Process Flow Chart (Figure 2-1)
Consultant Selection Procedures Selecting Organization (Section 2-5) Added statement regarding sponsor requirement to maintain written Code of Conduct Policy for Selection (Section 2-6) Discourages sponsors from combining eligible and ineligible work in same solicitation Selection Criteria (Section 2-7) Encourages sponsors to include selection criteria with RFQ States selection criteria must be appropriate for project and may vary based upon sponsors goals and objectives Allows geographic location as criteria if it leaves an appropriate number of qualified firms to compete Adds DBE as selection criteria
Consultant Selection Procedures Selection Process (Section 2-8) Adds consultant selection flowchart (Figure 2-2) Discusses additional steps and efforts to show good faith efforts to involve small and minority firms States selection board at its discretion may bypass interviews and rank firms based upon submittals
Consultant Selection Procedures Alternate Selection Procedures (Section 2-9) Increases the monetary threshold for using informal procedures from $25,000 to $100,000 Authorizes and identifies non-competitive procedures for contracts of $10,000 or less Fee Estimate (Section 2-12) Requires sponsors perform some form of fee analysis for every contract. Method and degree of analysis dependent on facts of contract Added paragraphs to help sponsors evaluate reasonableness of fee proposals. In general if within 10% fee proposal may be considered reasonable.
Contract Format And Provisions Division of Responsibility and Authority (Section 3-3) Clarified and added language addressing the consequences of expanding consultant liability beyond scope or purpose of contract Mandatory Contract Provisions (Section 3-4) Updated mandatory contract provisions. Added summary table. Chart
Contract Format And Provisions Time Overruns Beyond Control of the Consultant (Section 3-5) Added sentence stating that additional costs resulting from contractor caused delays should be included in the liquidated damages established for the construction contract. Ownership of Drawings and Contact Documents (Section 3-6) Added sentence that contract should include terms and conditions for sponsors reuse of documents/data on other projects. FAA Contract Approval (Section 3-9) Added language encouraging sponsors to utilize and FAA offices to accept certifications for selection of consultants.
Methods of Contracting and Allowable Costs General (Section 4-1) Added Table 4-1 Methods of Contracting and Allowable Costs Alternate Delivery Methods (Section 4-8) Added guidance for 3 basic forms of alternative delivery methods: Construction Manager at Risk Task Order Contracting Design Build
Appendices Definitions (Appendix A) Similar to definitions included in Section 1 of previous AC 14C Bibliography (Appendix B) Added bibliography of Public Law, FAA Orders, other ACs, and Code of Federal Regulations referenced in the updated AC Sources of Consultants (Appendix C) New appendix providing names, addresses, telephone numbers of professional societies that are sources for identifying potential consultants
Appendices FAA and State Agency Addresses (Appendix D) New appendix providing web address and/or addresses of FAA, State and U.S Territory aviation offices. Scope of Services Samples (Appendix E) Added sample scope of services for ALP Update project and Construction Services. Sample project design scope of services is also provided as it was in the previous AC. Consultant Services Fee/Costs Sample (Appendix F) Updated format of sample Detailed Fee/Cost Analysis Sample (Appendix G) Updated format of sample
Summary Of Significant Changes Adds flowcharts for QBS and selection process Provides guidance for evaluating fee proposals; acceptable if within 10% Increases $ threshold for use of informal selection Provides clarity and consequences of expanding consultant liability Updates mandatory contract provisions Provides guidance for alternate delivery methods Provides additional sample scope of services
Questions / Comments Thank you for your attention!