ASQ Recertification Guidelines Ken Fredryk November 11, 2018
Agenda Recertification Timeline Recertification Units by Category New Recertification Process
Important Dates and Timeline Based on a Three Year Certification Cycle Recertification by exam (+12 months) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Apply for Recertification (RUs) + 30 - 42 months from previous certification date Previous Certification Date Next Recertification Date Certification Expires if not Renewed Earn 18 Recertification Units – 36 months
ASQ RECERTIFICATION JOURNAL APPLICATION Recertification is based on an 18-Point Recertification Unit (RU) Program RUs can be earned from 11 individual categories Each category has a maximum limit for allowable RUs claimed RUs must be earned during the 36 month certification period All category activities must be in the applicable certification(s) body of knowledge or be directly job enhancing/related Employment RU credit must fall in the pertaining certification(s) body of knowledge
You must maintain your recertification journal online ASQ RECERTIFICATION Beginning January 1, 2019… You must maintain your recertification journal online Log onto: Menu Certification Recertification My Recertification Journal