Questar III Regional Professional Learning Day October 20th, 2017 Total Participation Techniques - this is a shortener. In case a participant wanted to view the presentation. Click on the Present button in the top right hand corner to get the video to play. Break down the room by subject of the lesson that they shared.
Ice Breaker *Group by content area of lesson plan sample Name District Tell 3 things about yourself: 2 truths and a lie. Group members must guess which is the lie.
Danny Brassell: We Need Great Teachers Click on the Present button in the top right hand corner to get the video to play.
Lesson review Discussion Points: Consider: Expectations: Be prepared to share one highlight. Discussion Points: How do you make your lessons memorable? How do you make your lessons engaging? How do you show your students that you care? Consider: Websites / Apps Engagement Techniques / Protocols Quick Formative Assessment Tools Total Participation Techniques
Points to think about when creating a lesson. Essential Questions Lesson Template Points to think about when creating a lesson. Essential Questions Engagement? A hook? Next Generation Alignment Instructional Plan Resources Assessment Differentiation UbD Lesson Plan Template - - G doc version
At your table share a lesson plan you brought with you. Activity At your table share a lesson plan you brought with you. In groups of 3: Look for evidence of the 5 E’s What do you notice? What comments or suggestions do you have? Be prepared to share something of interest! Separate Room by subjects: ELA, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies
Planning Stages Within the 5-E Inquiry Model NGSS: 5E Model Planning Stages Within the 5-E Inquiry Model Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate Discuss Inquiry Application of 5 E Model Description Video: How to get a copy of the lesson plan UbD Lesson Plan Template - - G doc version
Video Shared Space - CAVEAT must have a Google Account (Free) Shared Lesson Folder - Kindergarten - Grade 1 - Grade 2 - Grade 3 - Grade 4 - Grade 5 / 6 - Email List Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 / 6 Planning Stages Within the 5-E Inquiry Model UbD Lesson Plan Template - - G doc version
Uploading your MS lesson to the shared Google Drive using CHROME Tutorial Video Use the Chrome browser Log into Google Click on the Shared Lesson Folder from this presentation A google drive folder will open Click on the dropdown arrow next to the folder’s name Click “Add to my Drive” This will allow you to access the folder in the future Drag your Microsoft Word documents into the folder (cannot due if you are using another browser) Shared Space - CAVEAT must have a Google Account (Free): Video
Uploading your MS lesson to the shared G Drive NOT USING CHROME Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer... Tutorial Video Log into Google Click on the Shared Lesson Folder from this presentation A google drive folder will open Click on the dropdown arrow next to the folder’s name Click “Add to my Drive” This will allow you to access the folder in the future Click New button (upper left hand corner) Click on “File Upload” Find your file and click “Open” (bottom right hand corner) Shared Space - CAVEAT must have a Google Account (Free): Video
How to upload to the Shared Google Drive 1 Video: How to upload to the Shared Google Drive Log into Google Click on the Shared Lesson Folder from this presentation A google drive folder will open Click on the dropdown arrow next to the folder’s name Click “Add to my Drive”
How to upload to the Shared Google Drive 2 Video: How to upload to the Shared Google Drive 4. Make a copy your lesson File → “Make a copy...” Lesson will be named “Copy of …” 5. File → “Move to...” Find the name of the folder that you had “Add to My Drive”
How to upload to the Shared Google Drive 3
Introduce yourself to someone you did not work with today. The Mingle Introduce yourself to someone you did not work with today. Tell each other 2 takeaways from today. Repeat Planning Stages Within the 5-E Inquiry Model UbD Lesson Plan Template - - G doc version
Survey!!! Have a great weekend! Final Task Survey!!! (check your email) Have a great weekend! 2:15