Ch 6 Section1 India’s First Civilizations


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Presentation transcript:

Ch 6 Section1 India’s First Civilizations

The Land of India India is a subcontinent of Asia, divided by the Himalayas and Hindu Kush mountains. Five nations occupy the subcontinent today India Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh Two fertile river valleys, the Ganges and Indus provide fertile soil for farming

Land cont. South of the river valleys lies the dry and hilly Deccan Plateau East and West coasts of India have lush fertile plains Monsoons are common and bring cold, dry air from the mountains in the winter and hot, wet air from the Arabian Sea in the summer Monsoons are celebrated by the people. If rainy season is long enough there will be good crops, if too short, drought will occur

India's First Civilizations Grew up near the Indus river, monsoons left rich, fertile soil for farmers to grow crops. People had a plentiful food supply so they began to develop new trades, such as making tools and building houses Trade developed as people became craftsman and artisans 3000B.C.- 1500B.C.- more than a 1000 villages and towns were part of the Indus civilization( Harappa and Mohenjo Daro were largest cities)

Harappa and Mohenjo- Daro Populations as big as 35,000 people Carefully planned cities with streets, walled neighborhoods, fortress for protection, sewer systems, restrooms & wells in the homes, water reservoirs, water collection systems, garbage bins and aqueducts for water. Cities were agricultural and trading centers

Harappan Society Written records have been discovered but have not been deciphered Royal palace and temple were enclosed within the fortress( religion and government were connected) Most were farmers( wheat, rice, barley, peas and cotton) City dwellers made copper& bronze tools, clay pottery, cotton cloth, jewelry from gold, shells and ivory No weapons found, thought to be a peaceful and prosperous society

Aryans Invade Harappan civilization collapses around 1500B.C. from earthquakes, floods or drought Aryans conquer what is left of the civilization Who were the Aryans? Lived in central and south Asia Hunters and herders, not farmers Cattle were a prized possession( milk, meat, butter)

Aryans Invade Excellent warriors and horsemen Skilled iron workers Conquered much of India, except the southern tip Aryans bring change: Cattle become a sacred animal and were forbidden to be used as food Develop the iron plow and tools to make irrigation canals Develop a new written language called Sanskrit, which allowed songs, stories, poems and prayers to written down Aryans organized people into tribes, led by a raja or prince

Society in Ancient India The Aryans developed a caste system that separated Indians into social classes A caste dictates what job you do, whom you will marry, and with whom you can socialize.

Social Levels of the Caste System Brahmans- priests, only people who can perform religious ceremonies Kshatriyas- warriors and rulers who ran the government and the army Vaisyas- commoners, usually farmers and merchants Sudras- were not Aryans ( dark skinned people) Pariahs- untouchables Performed duties too dirty for others( butchers, animal skinners, garbage men and handling of dead bodies)

Role of men and women Family was the center of life Man was most important Boys were schooled by private teachers- gurus Arranged marriages Divorce was not allowed, men could have a second wife if no children with the first Death- men were cremated and wife was expected to leap into the flames- Suttee