October 19, 2012 Happy Friday!!! I can identify and apply various literary and poetic devices in order to interpret a poem’s (or song lyrics) meaning.
Bell ringer To observe Teen Read Week we are going to drop everything and read for 10 minutes. Read in your library books or borrow a book from me. You must be reading for the entire 10 minutes.
Discuss Discuss how lyrics are like literature. Make connections between poetry and music. What does figurative language do for writing?
Get with a Partner You will listen to and look at the lyrics of 4 different songs. BE SURE TO LISTEN AND LOOK AT ALL THE LYRICS! We will discuss what you think the song is about You and your partner will decide which literary/poetic device is used and record it on your worksheet. Be prepared to justify. Have evidence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ig-XEzQmFoY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vvm1fxJ3wH0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-8ohF-SMjM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7R9Yn4bbnc
Exit Slip Write 3 things you learned today. Explain how poetry and music are alike.