Support the Relay For Life of Hartwick College & SUNY Oneonta Relay For Life of Hartwick College & SUNY Oneonta April 7, 2017 SUNY Oneonta 108 Ravine Parkway, Oneonta NY 6 p.m. – 6 a.m. Example of track sign: Why Sponsor A Track Sign? Sponsor a Track Sign to show your company’s support for your community. Every time a walker circles the track your information will be seen. Since the Relay For Life is a 12 hour event, that’s a lot of exposure! We will customize the sign to meet your needs. You may also sponsor a sign in honor of a special person touched by cancer. Best of all, the cost of your sign goes to help in the fight against cancer. Yes!!!! We Want A Track Sign at the Relay For Life of Hartwick College & SUNY Oneonta Please checkmark here to display signs at your place of business after the Relay. If you wish to sponsor next year’s event please return the signs to the Relay, in June each year, to be displayed around the Relay track. The signs will be dated with a sticker for the new year. Number of Signs: ______ Company Name: (To be listed on sign) _____________________________________ Special Message: (In honor/memory of) _____________________________________________________ Contact Person: _________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________ Amount Enclosed ($100/per sign/per year): ___________________ Please make check payable to American Cancer Society or visit to pay online. Team Use Only: Team Name: _____________________________ Registered Walker Name: _____________________