Using K9 Web Protection Home website: FAQ's: Support Forum: How to Translate Websites from English to Spanish:
The More You Know: Translations and Hacks How to Translate Web Sites from English to Spanish Watch Video How to ByPass Home and School Systems Ping or traceroute method Cache method Proxy Server method Live CD/USB method
How Students Hack: Ping and Traceroute Methods Our school's server blocks these methods, but your home might not. Students Hack #1 Students Hack #2 One more trick is that students will type into google: “” and bring up the google cached version of myspace or Try it to see how easy it is to do.
Cache Hack Watch Video Use “” to bypass computer security systems. With this hack, you can work your way around many sites.
Watch Video Proxy Server Hack Subscribe to an email list like those at yahoo mail for a list of new proxy sites every day – then just cut and paste. Easy.
Live CD/USB/IPod Hack Using and “Live” version of a CD from Ubuntu Linux, Puppy Linux or any of the hundreds of other “Live” CDs from Linux or BSD, anyone can boot up from a “Live” Desktop O/S that will bypass any security you put on your home computer. Unless....
Protect Yourself! You password protect your BIOS with an administrator password. Set your BIOS to boot from the Hard Drive and ONLY the hard drive. Allow NO OTHER boot devices, unless you change your BIOS settings after inputting the correct password. Even this can be “hacked” but requires opening up of the computer case and removing the battery or CMOS... so buy a case lock for 2$ at
Review Use a program like K9 to as a first line of defense. Educate yourself about HACKS like the Ping/Traceroute, Cache and Proxy Server hacks. Ask yourself why would someone use a LIVE CD, unless they are very interested in Linux Operating Systems. Set a BIOS password and LOCK your computer case to avoid tampering.
More TIPS 1) Keep computers out of the bedroom. Have children work in a common, open area. 2) Secure the wireless router and TURN IT OFF by UNPLUGGING it when you do not want wireless internet access. 3) Monitor your child's online activity and talk to them about it. Let them know how dangerous online predators can be. 4) In most cases, the child will be much more technologically sophisticated than the parent. Children will almost always find ways around any method you use to block access. Talk to your kids, trust them, BUT verify.
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