500 Repetition Challenge
This month brings about “The Greatest Spectacle in Racing” – the Indianapolis 500 Complete your own challenge with the following workout for a mix of cardiovascular & strength training. By the end, you will have completed a whopping 500 repetitions! Equipment Needed: Dumbbells
Complete 2 sets of 15 repetitions for both of the following exercises: Squat & Jumping Jacks Complete 2 sets of 15 repetitions for both of the following exercises: Squat: With feet about shoulder-width apart, bend at the knees and hips. Aim to bring the thighs parallel to the ground, then stand back to start. Jumping Jacks: Begin with feet together and arms by sides. In one motion, jump feet apart and lift arms out to the sides and up. Jump back to start.
Complete 2 sets of 15 repetitions for both of the following exercises: Lunge & High Knees Complete 2 sets of 15 repetitions for both of the following exercises: Lunge: Start by standing upright. Take a long step forward with one leg, and lower body to the ground by bending at both knees. Stand back to start. Switch legs on the second set. High Knees: One leg at a time, drive knee up and down in the center towards the chest. Repeat with the other side to complete 1 repetition. Perform these jumping-style for more intensity, or marching style for less intensity.
Shoulder Press & Squat Jumps Complete 2 sets of 15 repetitions for both of the following exercises: Shoulder Press: Start with dumbbells held at chin-level. Lift dumbbells overhead in an arcing pattern, then bring back down to start. Squat Jumps: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Bending at the knees and hips, sit into a squat, then push explosively up through the legs and jump off the ground.
Chest Press & Standing Bicycle Twists Complete 2 sets of 15 repetitions for both of the following exercises: Chest Press: Begin by lying on back, elbows bent, dumbbells held around chest level. Push dumbbells up over the chest in an arcing pattern. Return to start. Standing Bicycle Twists: Place hands on top of head. Bring right elbow down toward the left knee in a twisting motion, then repeat with the left elbow and right knee to complete 1 repetition.
Row & Jumping Hamstring Curls Complete 2 sets of 15 repetitions for both of the following exercises: Row: Stand with knees slightly bent, leaning forward at the waist. With palms facing one another, pull the weights up diagonally to your sides, keeping the elbows close to the body. Lower back to start. Jumping Hamstring Curls: One leg at a time, kick your heel back and up. Jump for extra intensity. One kick on each side equals 1 repetition.
Upright Row & Mountain Climbers Complete 2 sets of 15 repetitions for both of the following exercises: Upright Row: Stand with dumbbells in hand, palms facing body. With elbows leading, bring the dumbbells to the upper chest. Return to start. Mountain Climbers: With hands on the floor, form a plank-like position with your body. As quickly as possible, bring one knee straight in to the chest and then the other for 1 repetition.
Complete 2 sets of 15 repetitions for both of the following exercises: Bicep Curl & Burpees Complete 2 sets of 15 repetitions for both of the following exercises: Bicep Curl: Stand with dumbbells in hands, palms facing up. Lift the dumbbells up to chest height, keeping the elbows close the body. Return to start. Burpees: Begin standing. In one consecutive motion, place the palms of your hands on the ground, jump both feet out and back in, and jump back up to the starting position.
Tricep Kickback & Skater Lunges Complete 2 sets of 15 repetitions for both of the following exercises: Tricep Kickback: Stand with knees slightly bent, leaning forward at the waist. Lifting the elbows, press each dumbbell back and up. Return to start. Skater Lunges: Begin standing. Leap out to the side with one leg, and follow with the other, bringing the non-leading leg behind the first. Repeat to the other side to complete 1 repetition.
20 Reps to Go! Complete 2 sets of 10 repetitions of the following abdominal exercise to achieve 500 total repetitions. V-Ups: Lie flat on your back, arms overhead. Bend at the waist, lift the legs and arms, and reach for the toes. Return to starting position.
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