The Sustainable Travel Group Welcome to: Taxi Operators Forum 7 th May 2013
Taxi Forum Introductions Dave Smith (Chair) Team Leader – Quality Team Mark Watters Team Leader – Business Development & Support Ashley Holland Team Leader – Contracts Peter Haines Quality Officer – Quality Team Nick Chadwick Quality Officer – Quality Team
Taxi Forum Agenda Housekeeping –Please turn mobiles off, no fire drills expected –Please hold all questions until the very end Review of the year Presentations from myself, Mark, Ash, Peter and Nick Questions and Answers / Your Views session
Taxi Forum Review of 2012/13 (with the help of the Working Group) Many schools changing to Academies Changes to SEN Policy eAuction Pilot (October 2012) Renewal of the SV3 Framework Yet more CRB/DBS changes More guidance issued: Contact visits; Safeguarding
Taxi Forum Small Vehicle Framework SV3 Welcome to new operators Framework started 1 st May 2013 Summary of results – 325 operators applied – 8 duplicate applications – 317 operators accepted onto the Framework (30% more than on SV2)
Taxi Forum Forthcoming Taxi Opportunities Summer Reviews Tenders eAuctions Training DRT (Demand Responsive Taxis) Proposals are subject to political approval A few (bus services) into many (DRT) Opportunities for work after 09:30 and before 15:30
Taxi Forum tendering issues We have had a number of contractors who have recently not been fully completing tender returns. Example:
Taxi Forum tendering issues Please remember to fully complete Section A before returning your tender. If you do not you may not win the tender even if you are the lowest price i.e. if we do not know who you are or what you can offer in respect of vehicles and escorts etc; we cannot chase round seeking clarification. In these cases we may simply go to the next nearest lowest quote from an operator who has completed the form correctly.
Taxi Forum Changes to SEN Policy from September 2013 Introduction of charges to under 5s and 16+ Application of 2 mile and 3 mile rules in line with Mainstream policy Transport will only be provided to and from one main home address
Taxi Forum DBS & Safeguarding Update Continuous monitoring will be introduced in the summer Heightened public awareness of safeguarding concerns Make sure you do not put yourselves or your drivers and escorts at risk Beware of how sensitive carers can be!
Taxi Forum Compliance – Issues of the moment 1 Reporting any changes to contract details (which have not been passed to you by STG). Taxi companies should always seek STG permission for any change – even if there is no change in the contract price. We have become aware of cases where the student has moved address but has continued to be transported – only discovered when the contract was re-tendered. A previous example landing the operator with a large bill as the child ceased to be eligible as an address change took them out of the County. Another example was when a child started to travel in a wheelchair but as the taxi operator incidentally supplied a wheelchair accessible vehicle he did not inform STG.
Taxi Forum Compliance – Issues of the moment 2 Licencing - not only do vehicles and drivers need to have the relevant licences and insurances – so do operators to actually hold a contract with the Council. We have identified contractors whose Private Hire Operators Licence has lapsed since securing contracts. In such case we have to terminate the contracts they hold and suspend them from securing further. Novation of Contracts and company changes.
Taxi Forum Compliance – Issues of the moment 3 Subcontracting Operators are expected to seek the prior approval before subcontracting Council contracts The operator holding the contract remains responsible for the operation of the contract This includes making sure the vehicle and driver/escort used are suitable and the reliability of operation (and the following of contract instructions).
Taxi Forum Compliance – Issues of the moment 4 Driver and Escort Identity Badges Drivers are expected to wear their taxi driver ID badges when on LCC contract in such a way as the badge is clearly visible. Escorts should wear their LCC issued ID badge, clearly visible when working on LCC contracts. These badges have a safety snap away feature All staff used on LCC contracts should be declared to STG so that brief details can be held on our driver and escort database (this also records incidents on contract, training attended).
Taxi Forum Child Safety Issue: The importance of fitting child seats correctly. A demonstration of proper fitting. Nick Chadwick.
Taxi Forum Training Update STG will run more Helping Hands courses during the year, both during school terms and in school holidays The content of these courses is constantly being refreshed to keep abreast of changes affecting contract operation The courses continue to be free of charge for all
Taxi Forum Safer Travel Safer Travel are looking at the new SEN intake to assess their transport needs for August. Whilst we will try to give as much helpful information as possible operators will very quickly know more than we do about how a child responds to their new transport environment. Operators can help us by telling us those things that have not appeared on the official order but which need to be properly addressed, e.g. child travels with medication, possibility of fitting, allergy etc.
Taxi Forum eAuctions - overview Works like eBay in reverse, but requires live bidding at a preset day and time Requires operators to be registered on the web portal Will still be tendering by as can only eAuction the more stable contracts – will give longer termination notice too Pilot was successful last Oct Full support will be given by STG and online training also available
Taxi Forum eAuctions Operator Benefits Operators are able to submit numerous bids Operators are able to react in a live environment Able to calculate a price for a contract prior to the eAuction Operators may win a contract at a higher price than the price you would have won during a normal tender Open and transparent Operators know almost immediately if they are in contention to win a contract or not and can focus their resources accordingly Contracts will remain in place if there are no significant changes Notice period of contracts tendered through the eAuctions will be extended to 1 calendar month by either party Become eligible to be considered for an annual inflationary price increase
Taxi Forum eAuctions How it works Due North Web Portal Tenders will be grouped into areas based on the Leicestershire Districts where possible Contracts published on LCC website before the auction Interested operators must register to participate Registered participants will then be invited to participate in the event Training eAuction available prior to live event
Taxi Forum eAuctions How it works – Bidding Bidding for all contracts in the eAuction will start and finish together The eAuction will last initially for 30 minutes All bidding is legally binding and all bidding is anonymous Participants must not get carried away with the bidding, and keep a close eye on their rank position Participants in winning position will be notified that they are in position 1 If more than one participant has submitted the lowest price, then they will be notified that they are in position=1 Note that there is a minimum £250 penalty if you win an eAuction and withdraw before the start of the contract or within a month of its start
Taxi Forum
Invoicing – The EMSS project Leicestershire County Council and Nottingham City Council have entered into a partnership - East Midlands Shared Services (EMSS) - to provide finance and HR/Payroll transactional services to their respective councils. One aspect of this partnership is an improved, streamlined process for ordering and paying for goods and services. Cheque payments being phased out, new payments will be made by BACS All invoice queries should be directed to the EMSS in the first instance on
Taxi Forum Invoicing Template and instructions are on our website Reminder that contract payment terms are 30 days (unless you want to join the 1% discount scheme). Please note that we also expect operators to bill in good time – very late invoices wont be paid (12+ months) Audits across all services – Contacting schools/parents/carers to confirm travel – Spot checks on site (also for quality compliance) – Returning incorrect invoices (thus delaying payment) If your contract changes – please tell us! Note that August (1 or 2 days only) school transport invoices should be added to Septembers bill.
Taxi Forum Invoicing Mainstream, SEN and Social Care Invoices should be sent to: Invoices Business Development & Support Team Sustainable Travel Group Environment & Transport Department Leicestershire County Council County Hall Glenfield Leicester LE3 8RJ Do NOT use our PO Box 1151 address (This PO Box address no longer exists) Do NOT invoices
Taxi Forum Invoicing DRT Invoices should be sent to: Leicestershire County Council PO Box 507 Sale M33 0DJ These invoices should clearly display the purchase order number Monitoring forms can continue to be posted, ed or faxed to the Sustainable Travel Group Invoices will not be paid without corresponding monitoring forms
Taxi Forum 1% Scheme details Started in June 2012 Only for schools (mainstream and SEN) and social care services Will pay within 14 days of invoice receipt in exchange for 1% discount Operators can withdraw with 1 months notice
Taxi Forum Concessionary Travel Vouchers At the moment no change in policy Current vouchers expire 31 st August Operators have 2 weeks after that to reimburse them with us.
Taxi Forum Working Group nominations Remit of the working group: – For both the Authority and taxi companies to gain an insight and understanding of the aspects of contract work that are important to them and work together to address any general issues that may arise – For LCC to pass on information on relevant policy or legislative changes, duty of care issues and general information affecting the taxi market – To discuss new ways of working and to work in partnership – To look at all aspects of LCC contract work for mutual benefit – To share the discussion with all in the market via the published minutes Please contact a member of staff in the STG with your nomination. We are looking for 1-2 people from up to 10 companies to form the 2013/14 working group to meet 3 times between now and April 2014.
Taxi Forum Q & A Session
Taxi Forum Working group nominations and further information See us at the end of this meeting or make an appointment By phone: and ask for the Business Development & Support Team By In writing: Business Development & Support Team Sustainable Travel Group Environment & Transport Department Leicestershire County Council County Hall Glenfield Leicester LE3 8RJ Our website: