Atomic Theory and Structure Project
Objective: Science concepts Objective: Science concepts. The student knows and understands the historical development of atomic theory.
The student is expected to:
Understand the experimental design and conclusions used in the development of modern atomic theory, including Dalton's Postulates, Thomson's discovery of electron properties, Rutherford's Gold foil experiment, and Bohr's nuclear atom
Activity: History of the Atomic Theory
Purpose: Create a 8-10 slide power point describing how the atomic theory has changed
throughout history. Project due Monday Nov1,2010
Materials: Computer, Internet, MS PowerPoint, Useful links on my website
Divide students into 6 groups to research one of the scientists John Dalton
JJ. Thomson
Earl Rutherford
Neils Bohr
Irene Curie Robert Milkan
Research: Collect information about their scientist and their contributions to the atomic theory should include scientists name
scientists background
dates of importance related to their scientists contribution to the atomic theory
description of experimental design to understand the nuclear atom
procedures involved in the experiment
data collected
analysis and conclusions drawn
60 % of grade will be based on Power point
Content ………………………1-5pts
Slide Creation ………………………1-5pts
Creativity ………………………1-5 pts
Mechanics ………………………1-5 pts
40% of grade is based on the average participation score you receive from your group members
Contribution to group ………………..1-5
Coppertaion ………………………… 1-5
Task Completion …………………… 1-5
Scientist__________________________________ Period ______
Group Member _____________________________________________
Grading Rubric for Atomic Theory Power point Project
5 4 3 2 1
Content Content is
Accurate and
information is
presented in a
logical order Content is
accurate but some
information is not
presented in a
logical order, but
is still generally
easy to follow Content is
accurate but
information is notpresented in a
logical order,
making it difficult
to follow. Content is
questionable and
information is not
presented in a
logical order,
making it difficult
to follow. Content is
inaccurate and
information is not
presented in a
logical order,
making it difficult
to follow
Slide creation Presentation flows
well and logically.
reflects extensive
use of tools in a
creative way.
Correct number
of slides.
Presentation flows
well. Tools used
Correct number
of slides. Overall
presentation is
Presentation flows
well. Some tools
used to show
Correct number
of slides.
Presentation is
Tools are not used
in a relevant
manner. Lacking
in number of
Presentation has
no flow. No tools
number of slide
Mechanics. No spelling or grammar errors Mechanics No spelling or grammar errors. Apparent that students wrote information in their own words A few spelling and/or grammar errors. Apparent that students wrote information in their own words Some spelling and/or grammar errors. Apparent that students wrote information in their own words Some spelling and/or grammar errors. Students wrote most of the information in their own words Many spelling
errors and/or
text is copied.
Creativity Images are
Layout of images
is pleasing to the
eye. Images are
Layout is
cluttered. Most images are
appropriate. Images are
inappropriate. No images.
Total ______________
Scientist __________________________________ Period ______
Name ____________________________________
Participation and contribution Rubric
Contributes to group 1
Does not contribute to discussion. Shows little interest 3
Sometimes participates during the activity Sometimes participates during the activity. Needs to be reminded to stay on task. 5
Always participates during the activity Always participates during the activity. Shows interest and is eager to answer questions
Works cooperatively 1
Does not cooperate with other group members. 3
Sometimes cooperates with other group members. 5
Always cooperates with group members.
Task completion 1
Does not complete the assignment . 3
Completes some of the assignment 5
Completes all of the assignment in a satisfactory manner.
Contributes to group 1
Does not contribute to discussion. Shows little interest 3
Sometimes participates during the activity Sometimes participates during the activity. Needs to be reminded to stay on task. 5
Always participates during the activity Always participates during the activity. Shows interest and is eager to answer questions
Works cooperatively 1
Does not cooperate with other group members. 3
Sometimes cooperates with other group members. 5
Always cooperates with group members.
Task completion 1
Does not complete the assignment . 3
Completes some of the assignment 5
Completes all of the assignment in a satisfactory manner.
Contributes to group 1
Does not contribute to discussion. Shows little interest 3
Sometimes participates during the activity Sometimes participates during the activity. Needs to be reminded to stay on task. 5
Always participates during the activity Always participates during the activity. Shows interest and is eager to answer questions
Works cooperatively 1
Does not cooperate with other group members. 3
Sometimes cooperates with other group members. 5
Always cooperates with group members.
Task completion 1
Does not complete the assignment . 3
Completes some of the assignment 5
Completes all of the assignment in a satisfactory manner.
Contributes to group 1
Does not contribute to discussion. Shows little interest 3
Sometimes participates during the activity Sometimes participates during the activity. Needs to be reminded to stay on task. 5
Always participates during the activity Always participates during the activity. Shows interest and is eager to answer questions
Works cooperatively 1
Does not cooperate with other group members. 3
Sometimes cooperates with other group members. 5
Always cooperates with group members.
Task completion 1
Does not complete the assignment . 3
Completes some of the assignment 5
Completes all of the assignment in a satisfactory manner.