Lambeth Lighting PFI Contract Presentation to Street Lighting PFI Network Group 01 October 2008 Martin Sachs Head of Transport and Highways Lambeth Housing Regeneration and Environment
Martin Sachs Cambridge University L.B.Havering- Graduate Engineer L.B. Newham- Various 2004-present L.B. Lambeth- Head of Transport and Highways Since July 2005 Chair of LoTAG Highways Maintenance Steering Group
L.B.Lambeth Largest Inner London Borough Population 268,550 Area 26.8 sq km Capital City, Inner City and suburban areas Ethnically diverse population km of highway 19,000 lighting columns
L. B. Lambeth Highly Politically Contested Swings Against Trend Was Labour when PFI project began Was LibDem/Tory when PFI contract let Since May 06 Flagship Labour authority
Lighting PFI Contract 1 st December 2005 – 30 th November 2030 Contractor Lambeth Lighting Services- includes DW Lighting Core Investment Programme- first four years Borough to reach European Standard 2 by year 4
Sustainability Agenda Energy use will increase But green energy is being used Energy efficiency will be much greater Light pollution will be down Safer streets = more sustainable journeys
Problems Scope of Contract- Highway, Parks Not Housing! Heritage areas- resources insufficient even cover all declared Conservation Areas Areas missed out
Consultation Consultation pre-contract high level Contract set in stone Little scope for ongoing consultation Issues of column type (under resourced heritage issue) Column location (e.g. outside windows)
Contractor Installation Problems Blocking streets (unofficial closures) Some Chapter 8 issues
Power Connection Issues Poor Project Management by EDF leading to… Too many streets opened up at once leading to… Complaints and Member Enquiries Contract default payments on LLS Recovered by LLS from EDF
Power Supply Issues Power Supply subcontract of PFI contract Council can over-ride Supply subcontract retendered August 08 Price per unit risen from 8p to 12p T&H Budget hit by £200,000 in
CIP Performance Contract Completion Required Dec 2009 Anticipated Completion April 2009
Contract Performance Column Outage Times- Target 5 days LLS performance August days Power Outage Times- Target 25 days EDF performance August days %age lights not working Targets Principal Roads 2% Other Roads 2% Performance August Principal 0.60% Other 0.19%
And finally………… Pros and Cons Pros Free money Rolls Royce arrangements Stability and Clarity Cons Contract set in stone (warts and all) Still expensive for LBL Complications over public communication
Thanks to Lambeth PFI Monitoring Team