"CONPTT" Six Criteria of Science : Consistent, Observable, Natural, Predictable, Testable, Tentative.


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Presentation transcript:

"CONPTT" Six Criteria of Science : Consistent, Observable, Natural, Predictable, Testable, Tentative.

Consistency : The results of observations and/or experiments are reasonably the same when performed and repeated. Green plants will grow towards a light source. Walking under a ladder will cause bad luck.

Observability : The event or evidence of the event, can be observed and explained. The observations are limited to the basic human senses or to extensions of the senses. Some plants can eat meat. Extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth.

Natural : A natural cause (mechanism) must be used to explain why or how the event happens. 1. Green plants convert sunlight into energy. 2. People can walk through walls.

Predictability : Specific predictions can be used to make foretell an event. Each prediction can be tested to determine if the prediction is true of false. Students who attend class do better than students who do not attend class If you are a "Scorpio", your horoscope for today is "You'll be saying 'I feel rich !' Lunar position highlights back pay, refunds, correction of accounting error." Solar eclipse

Testability : the event must be testable through the processes of science, and controlled experimentation. The Bermuda Triangle causes ships and planes to sink and disappear. Dogs are more social than cats.

Tentativeness : Scientific theories are subject to revision and correction, even to the point of the theory being proven wrong. Scientific theories have been modified and will continue to be modified. Nature of Science activity The number of human chromosomes was once "known" to be 48, but is now considered to be 46. We know that the world began about 6000 years ago, and nothing will change that.

Scientific Method What is it? Why do we need it? An objective and logical process by which we ask questions and find answers Why do we need it? To promote open and honest exchange of data with others; to share what we learn

Steps to the Scientific Method: Step 1: Purpose of experiment First – make an observation - Use your senses to take in new information and ask questions - Draw information from previous experience; consider what you already know!

Format: “If……then…..because…..” Next -use what you observe and what you already know to formulate a hypothesis - A hypothesis is an educated guess about a scientific question Format: “If……then…..because…..”

Example: IF we increase the temperature of the water THEN the breathing rate of the fish will increase BECAUSE breathing rate is dependent upon temperature

Steps 2-5: Create experiment to test hypothesis Step 2 - There is a control (what naturally happens, what we observe) - There is a variable (what we change and then measure the effects of)

Step 3 - There are two types of variables: Independent Variable: variable that is changed during the experiment Example: water temperature Dependent Variable: data that is collected through observation and measurement Example: Breathing rate

Example: Fish need to be in room temperature water (control) Example: Fish need to be in room temperature water (control). How would it affect their breathing rate if we lowered the temperature 10 degrees (variable)? What is the independent variable? Dependent variable?

Step 4 – list all materials used in experiment (bullet points) Step 5 – step-by-step procedure list of how you set up your experiment (numbered)

Steps 6 & 7: Collect Data and Analyze Results Collect data using a table then present data using a chart (typically line or bar chart) Analyze results: Summarize results (1-2 sentences, use data) State why you believe you got your results List any possible sources of error in experiment

Step 8: Conclusions 1-2 sentences summarizing your experiment Did your data support your hypothesis? Why or why not? What would you do differently next time? Additional questions you may have after experiment is completed Additional research needed!

Be prepared to answer these questions from your peers Step 9: Peer Review As you evaluate the work of others, consider the following questions: Is the experiment repeatable? Do you see any possible errors (additional variables) Ask clarifying questions (things that need to be explained better) Are results verifiable? Be prepared to answer these questions from your peers