Rapid Soil-Power
In India, over and above 50 years, excessive and inappropriate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has polluted all life. Destroyed agricultural assistants, and nearly destroyed the uranium and nutrients of the land. But just as the human body needs many types of nutrients in the form of food to stay healthy, Similarly, plants also require nutrients from the soil to obtain nutrition. For this, the presence of proper quantities of nutrients in the soil is extremely important.
That's why in order to increase the fertility of the land, in the series of poison-free farming campaigns, Biowell has brought one and 100% organic products--- “Rapid Soil-Power" Which is full of nutrients and is able to make the land surprisingly fertile and provide the nutrition to the plants.
Nitrobenzene(नाइट्रोबेंजीन) Amino Acid (अमीनो एसिड) Humic Acid (ह्यूमिक एसिड) Seaweed Extract (सीवीड-एक्सट्रेक्ट) Neem Oil (नीम का तेल) Nitrobenzene(नाइट्रोबेंजीन)
Benefit of Rapid Soil-Power
Combined in the fixed proportion of natural amino acids, humid acids and seaweed-extract present in it, provides the necessary nutrients for abundant plants and accelerates their growth several times.
Biowell Rapid Soil-Power is a 100% organic, high quality neem-coated soft conditioner granules. Due to neem oil, there is a great reduction in crop rotation or worms.
It mainly increases the ability of the plants to take nutrients to the plant by developing the tertiary roots of plants and the ability to hold water. With this help plants are able to take their proteins themselves.
It improves the soil properties and moisture retention It improves the soil properties and moisture retention. It is suitable and beneficial for paddy, wheat, sugarcane, mustard, cucumber, cucumber, sunflower, peanut, chilli, pulses, flowers and all other vegetables, fruits.
Rapid Soil-Power also increases the yield of crop as well as enhances the fertility of the land.
Its use leads to germination of seeds and increase the number of wounds in plants. Helps in producing more flowers in the crop.
This stimulates the action of photosynthesis, which leads to greening of plants and increases in branches ।
Dissociation to toxic land due to chemical fertilizers, herbside, pesticides. Which gives maximum yield, as well as gives the farmer a chemical and insecticidal crop.
Dosage : 4 To 5 KG /Acre Method of Use: Spread the amount described in the field in a similar manner, for a better result, use Rapid Soil-Power again at intervals of 15 to 20 days. Do not use Rapid Soil-Power in combination with any type of micro nutrient. (Use it 2 days before seeding for better results)
The Incredible Solution A meaningful step toward poison-free farming The Incredible Solution