Supplemental test - overview WLTP-DTP-LabProcICE-233 Supplemental test - overview Proposal for a test at representative regional conditions C. Mayer, A. Eder, BMW; M. Bergmann, Audi 25.06.2013
overview To reflect the CO2 values obtained in real life, EU-COM wants to introduce an additional test under „realistic conditions“ . During DTP-13 (Tokyo) all Contracting Parties agreed to introduce this approach with regional conditions into the gtr. The following conditions are deemed to be crucial: Representative temperature (current discussion in EU [14]°C) Representative parking/soaking time (current discussion in EU [7] +2h) Representative parking conditions (natural soak) The conditions currently discussed for Europe are based on the analysis for eco innovations by JRC. The type I test at 23 °C shall be performed for every vehicle during type approval Type I test without active heat storage technologies The supplemental test shall be performed only once for a vehicle family
CO2 calculation – correction of the values obtained at 23 °C Vehicle family Test cell, soak: 23 °C Soak time: 6 – 36 h Engine oil, water: 23 °C CO2_3 CO2_1 CO2_2 Supplemental test Test cell, soak: [14] °C Soak time: [7 + 2] h Engine oil, water: no restrictions FCF = family correction factor CO2_ind = individual CO2 value Creg = regional conditions CO2@Creg
Family definition part 1 A family is defined by (based on the in-service families) • combustion process (two stroke, four stroke, rotary); • number of cylinders; • configuration of the cylinder block (in-line, V, radial, horizontally opposed, other). The inclination or orientation of the cylinders is not a criteria); • method of engine fuelling (e.g. indirect or direct injection); • type of cooling system (air, water, oil); • method of aspiration (naturally aspirated, pressure charged); • fuel for which the engine is designed (petrol, diesel, NG, LPG, etc.). Bi fuelled vehicles may be grouped with dedicated fuel vehicles providing one of the fuels is common; • engine cylinder capacity of the largest engine within the family minus 30 %.
Family definition part 2 Furthermore the manufacturer has to show that the representative TMH vehicles of the combined approach families (CAF) within the temperature correction family (TCF) have a similar temperature of engine oil and water if any, after driving the respective type I test (@23°C, can be shown for each representative vehicle in the lab) and soaking for the representative regional soak time @23°C. From the measured temperatures the average soak area temperature of the last third of the soak process has to be subtracted and the resulting temperatures should be within a range of [10]K (mean Value ±[5]K) within the TCF. If active heat storage systems are installed, the heat capacity within the family has to be comparable as follows: the heat capacity is defined by the enthalpy stored in the system and has to be within a range of [6] % (mean value ± 3%) for a vehicle family.
Family definition part 2 –supplemental information Vehicle 1 in family T Vehicle 2 in family T_CD_1 T_soak_1 T_CD_2 T_soak_2 … 1/3 Δt 1/3 Δt ΔT_2 ΔT_1 26°C 23°C 20°C 26°C 23°C 20°C t_soak t_soak All the ΔT_i values within a family have to be in a tolerance of [10]K
Guideline to establish regional temperatures and soak times Regional soak temperature: Each region shall define a representative soak and test temperature. The regional temperature has to be (shall) derived from statistics taking into account the meteorological data, population and traffic density of the different areas within a region. On top of this a temperature offset accounting for the garage parking has to be added. Parking/Soaking times The regional soak time shall be based on the average regional parking times. Typical use cases for soak time are overnight parking ~10-12h and daytime parking at work ~8h. A suggested set point for the soak value is 9h (can be adjusted to regional requirements). To give flexibility for the test facilities a tolerance of +0…2h is given.
Validation Aims: Show that boundary vehicles of the family have a similar Δ_CO2 First T_reg and t_soak have to be defined BMW offer: Comparisson of 328 xiA Limo (CAF1) and 320i Touring (CAF2) 23°C Type 1 Test Soak @23°C Comparison of temperatures after t_soak Measurement@ 14°C => Calculation and comparison of correlation FCFs Who would help? => TÜV? What CO2 tolerance would be acceptable?
Active heat storage technologies Active heat storage technology means a technology that can be activated by an actuator (e.g. a valve) to release heat at a moment