CONCEPT Science is limited to studying only the problems of the natural world that can be understood by the processes of science.
SUB-CONCEPT 1 Science studies natural phenomena that can be observed, measured, and tested with our senses, directly or indirectly.
SUB-CONCEPT 2 Solving problems within the limits of science.
SUB-CONCEPT 3 Science assumes that the universe is orderly, reasonable, and testable.
SUB-CONCEPT 4 Scientific theories offer well-defined causes to explain natural phenomena.
SUB-CONCEPT 5 Scientific theories are always subject to change.
SUB-CONCEPT 6 Science does not have the answers to all of the questions in the universe, or the solutions to all human problems.
SCIENCE V. NON-SCIENCE How can we tell?
CONPTT – SIX CRITERIA OF SCIENCE 1. Consistent – repeated observations and/or experiments are reasonably the same.
Which is scientific? A. Green plants will grow toward a light source. B. Walking under a ladder will cause bad luck.
CONPTT – SIX CRITERIA OF SCIENCE 2. Observable – the event under study can be observed and explained.
Which can be observed scientifically? A. Some plants eat meat. B. Extraterrestrial beings have visited the Earth.
CONPTT – SIX CRITERIA OF SCIENCE Natural – natural causes must explain events.
Which can be explained by a natural cause? A. Green plants convert sunlight into energy. B. Moses parted the Red Sea with a rod, so his people could cross to the other side.
CONPTT – SIX CRITERIA OF SCIENCE Predictable – the natural cause can be used to make specific predictions.
Which has a natural cause that can be used to make predictions? A. Without sunlight, green plants will die. B. If you are a Scorpio, you are a wise person.
CONPTT – SIX CRITERIA OF SCIENCE Testable – with controlled experimentation.
Which one can be scientifically tested? A. The Bermuda Triangle causes ships and planes to disappear. B. Life comes from life and can not come from non-living things.
CONPTT – SIX CRITERIA OF SCIENCE Tentative – scientific theories are subject to revision and correction.
EMERGING SCIENCE V. NON-SCIENCE V. FALSE SCIENCE EMERGING SCIENCE – consistent observations and predictions may be limited by our knowledge or technology. NON-SCIENCE – does not meet the CONPTT criteria. FALSE SCIENCE – non-science which is portrayed as science by its followers.
Science and Technology Science gathers knowledge and organizes it. Technology: lets humans use the knowledge for practical purposes. gives science the tools to conduct investigations.