definition: a complete collapse or failure debacle: (noun) definition: a complete collapse or failure
PRONUNCIATION: de·bah·kuhl debacle PRONUNCIATION: de·bah·kuhl
debacle dissolution breakdown overthrow collapse disaster downfall synonyms devastation dissolution breakdown overthrow collapse disaster downfall
debacle The tsunami, a debacle of unbelievable proportions, left the natives devastated.
debacle The woman lost control as the debacle unfolded, leaving her financially bereft.
Nuclear explosions cause debacles of astronomical proportions.
debacle The earthquake decimated the city, creating a debacle that took years to remedy.
debacle The destruction of the Hindenburg was a debacle that impacted many.
debacle The capsized ship was a debacle that devastated many people.
debacle The explosion of the Challenger Space Shuttle on January 28, 1986 was a debacle that has the power to evoke chilling memories even after almost 30 years.