John John 14.31b–17.26 Conference 02. john John 14.31b–17.26 Conference 02.


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Presentation transcript:

john John 14.31b–17.26 Conference 02


1. Who bears much fruit (14.31b–15.17)?

2. Who is “the Helper” (15.18–16.4a)?

3. Why was it to the advantage of the disciples that Jesus go away (16 3. Why was it to the advantage of the disciples that Jesus go away (16.4b–15)?

4. When would the disciples no longer see Jesus (16.16–24)?

5. Why did the disciples say they believed in Jesus (16.25–33)?

6. Why did the world hate Jesus’s disciples (17.1–19)?

7. Who all was Jesus praying for (17.20–26)?

Digging Deeper:

8. What does it mean to bear fruit in 15.1–11?

9. What was the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the apostles (14.26; 15.26–27; 16.13)?

10. What is the meaning of 16.16–24?

11. What is the meaning of 17.12?


12. How do we abide in Jesus and his love (15.1–15)?

13. Does the Holy Spirit still do the same things Jesus said he would do in 14.26; 15.26–27; and 16.13? Explain.

14. Despite tribulation, Jesus said his disciples could “take heart” or have courage and have peace (16.33). Can we have this courage and peace today? Explain.

15. Jesus prayed that though we were “in the world” that we would not be “of the world” (17.11, 16). What does this mean and how is this possible?

16. How can people be sanctified in the truth (17.17)?

john John 14.31b–17.26 Conference 02

john John 18.1–19.13 Consummation 01