What does this symbolize? December 6, 1968 What does this symbolize?
The Space Race 1957-1975
Who “won” the Space Race, The United States or the Soviet Union? Major Question… Who “won” the Space Race, The United States or the Soviet Union?
Key Concepts
“Space Race” The competition between the US and the USSR (Soviets) regarding achievements and accomplishments in the field of space exploration https://scholar.vt.edu/access/content/user/gman39/My%20Portfolio/Lesson%20Plans/NCSS%20Lesson%20Plan%208%20Science%20Technology%20and%20Society%20PDF.pdf
Different names Astronaut (American) Cosmonaut (Soviet)
The Space Race began… were launched in the 1950s. Military -after the first ICBMs were launched in the 1950s. Military technology was to explore space.
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htnUDjtemqw
The Ultimate Goal To land on the Moon first
Video Clip – “The Great Space Race” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkUSceAtCIE
Moon Landing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMINSD7MmT4
Who won the Space Race? Choose three pieces of evidence to support that The US won the space race The Soviet Union won the space race Refer to the handout and the link on my website – Space Race “firsts”