curiosity Word Definition Picture Sentence an eager desire to know or learn curiosity Ella was full of curiosity about the world around her and liked to examine things closely.
glorious Word Definition Picture Sentence Full of glory, magnificent The weather was glorious, sunny, and warm with a nice breeze.
granite Word Definition Picture Sentence a very hard grey or pink rock that is formed when lava is cooled slowly underground granite Granite can be used to make kitchen countertops.
ruins Word Definition Picture Sentence what is left after a building, wall; or other structure has fallen to pieces ruins The archaeologists are studying the ruins of the ancient city.
terraced Word Definition Picture Sentence formed into flat, level land with steep sides, often to create more space for farming; leveled terraced The terraced hillsides allowed people to farm land that they could not have been used otherwise.
thickets Word Definition Picture Sentence bushes or small trees growing close together As the explorers traveled through the jungle, they often had to slash through the thickets so they could continue moving forward.
torrents Word Definition Picture Sentence a violent, rushing stream of water torrents After the rainy season, the river was flowing in a torrent.