O Lord I come before Your throne


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Presentation transcript:

O Lord I come before Your throne Verse 1 喔主 我来到祢座前 o Zhu wo lai dao Ni zuo qian O Lord I come before Your throne 全心全意 俯伏敬拜 quan xin quan yi fu fu jing bai With all my heart and mind bow to worship 来到祢座前 Lai dai ni zuo qian 1/6

O Lord I come before Your throne You are worthy of our praises Verse 1 喔主 我来到祢座前 o Zhu wo lai dao Ni zuo qian O Lord I come before Your throne 祢名是配得称颂 Ni ming shi pei de cheng song You are worthy of our praises 来到祢座前 Lai dai ni zuo qian 2/6

O Lord I come before Your throne Express all my gratitude to You Verse 2 哦主 我来到祢座前 o Zhu wo lai dao Ni zuo qian O Lord I come before Your throne 向祢献上 我的感恩 xiang Ni xian shang wo de gan en Express all my gratitude to You 来到祢座前 Lai dai ni zuo qian 3/6

哦主 我来到祢座前 权柄荣耀都归祢 O Lord I come before Your throne Verse 2 哦主 我来到祢座前 o Zhu wo lai dao Ni zuo qian O Lord I come before Your throne 权柄荣耀都归祢 quan bing rong yao dou gui Ni Attribute all the power and glory to You 来到祢座前 Lai dai ni zuo qian 4/6

You are worthy Of all the praises All heaven declares Your awesomeness Chorus 祢是配得 一切称颂 Ni shi pei de yi qie cheng song You are worthy Of all the praises 祢的荣美 诸天宣扬 Ni de rong mei zhu tian xuan yang All heaven declares Your awesomeness 来到祢座前 Lai dai ni zuo qian 5/6

祢的慈爱 存到永远 祢的信实 直到万代 Your steadfast love Lasts forever Chorus 祢的慈爱 存到永远 Ni de ci ai chun dao yong yuan Your steadfast love Lasts forever 祢的信实 直到万代 Ni de xin shi zhi dao wan dai Your faithfulness Lasts for generations 来到祢座前 Lai dai ni zuo qian 6/6