PEO EIS Mr. Gary Winkler, PEO EIS COL Steve Bristow, DPEO Mr PEO EIS Mr. Gary Winkler, PEO EIS COL Steve Bristow, DPEO Mr. Lee Harvey, DPEO Ms. Catherine Doolos, DPEO Nov. 26, 2007
Winkler IN
Henney the Hammer
Initial thoughts Build upon Kevin Carroll's/PEO EIS success...don't break anything that is working well. Don't want the PEO HQ or staff doing the PMs' jobs Provide value-added as PEO by integrating PEO programs/efforts. Help the PMs execute their programs consistent with Army corporate strategies Use contracts as vehicles to do work...don't make procurements the main "work" e.g., speed up procurements, reduce protests by non-selectees Promote enterprise buys and agreements with industry Prevent "leakage"...organizations going outside of enterprise vehicles/buys/agreements without good reason Support the Army with additional PMs/PMOs to work emerging initiatives (EMDS, APCs, SMEPED, Records Mgt)
Current Focus Schedule Drivers And Upcoming Activities ERPs AKO/DKO APCs Customer Support - for all programs PMSS2
What you can do to help INTEGRITY SCHEDULE COST QUALITY Understand your customer and requirements...we will no longer give "non-expert players" the time to get smart during a procurement. Know the Army's direction, strategy, and not promote or persuade your potential customers to go against Army policies. Be a good conflicts of interest, provide good value (quality/price), don't maximize profit at customer's expense Only protest a procurement's results when we do something stupid/wrong....we are an Army at War. Deliver products or services early and below projected costs. INTEGRITY SCHEDULE COST QUALITY
DPEO and PM SALE– Ms. Catherine Doolos
PEO EIS Org Chart Deputy Ms. Catherine Doolos 703.806.4235 Ms. Catherine Doolos 703.806.3336 Program Manager, SALE (Acting) Deputy PEO PM LIS COL Eugene Skinner Ft. Lee, VA 804.734.7665 PM LMP COL Charles Lambert Ft. Monmouth, NJ 732.427.1062 PM TIS Ms. Tami Johnson Springfield, VA 703.752.0755 PM MTS PD TLS PM ELS COL Jeff Wilson Ft. Lee, VA 804.706.9756 PD GFEBS Ms. Chérie Smith Alexandria, VA 703.682-3650 PM PLM+ LTC Sandra Vann-Olejasz Ft. Belvoir, VA 703.806.4108 PM JAIT LTC Patrick Burden Springfield, VA 703.339.4400
DPEO – Mr. Lee Harvey
PEO EIS Org Chart Deputy PEO Mr. Lee Harvey 703.806.4235 Deputy PEO Mr. Lee Harvey 703.806.4595 PD Acq. Domain COL Quentin Peach Ft. Belvoir, VA 703.704-0120 PD PR Vacant Ft. Belvoir, VA 703.806.3656 PD RCAS Ms. Belva BelfourNixon Arlington, VA 703.601.2656 PD ALTESS PM AcqBusiness Acq. Integration Ofc. PM AHRS PD DIMHRS PD PSDR PD IMS-A / MEPCOM Ms. Guri Glass Ft. Belvoir, VA 703.806.0500 PM MC4 LTC Edward Clayson Ft. Detrick, MD 301.619.7858 PD FMS Dr. David Powers Lorton, VA 703.373.1025 PM DLS LTC Robert Bean Newport News, VA 757.369.2900
PM Acquisition Business Leveraging existing solutions Employing SOA Product delivery every 90-120 days Report out often
Product Mgr, Distributed Learning System PM DLS Product Mgr, Distributed Learning System Delivering deployable digital training facilities.
Product Mgr, Medical Communications for Combat Casualty Care (MC4) PM MC4 Potential ramp-up to other services in AOR Faster delivery to Army National Guard and US Army Reserves Product Mgr, Medical Communications for Combat Casualty Care (MC4) Develops and deploys an integrated family of medical communications and automated information systems to enhance Army and Joint combat casualty care.
Project Director, Reserve Component Automation System PD RCAS Project Director, Reserve Component Automation System Follow-on re-compete! Reserve Component Automation System (RCAS) - RCAS develops, fields and sustains a modern automated information system that will carry us into the 21st century; supports the mobilization of reserve component units and significantly improves their ability to accomplish day-to-day unit administration.
DPEO - COL Steve Bristow
PEO EIS Org Chart Deputy COL Steve Bristow 703.806.4235 Deputy PEO COL Steve Bristow 703.806.4200 PM DCASS COL Scot Miller Ft. Monmouth, NJ 732.532.7910 PM DCATS COL Gale Harrington Ft. Monmouth, NJ 732.532.7920 PM DoD Biometrics COL Ted Jennings Ft. Belvoir, VA 703.806.0538 PM DCS-C PM DCS-P PM DCS-E PM DMS-Army PD TAO APM IES PM DWTS PD SCS APM LMR APM PI APM TSI-E APM TSI-P APM WC APM VIS PD AKO COL James Barrineau Ft. Belvoir, VA 703.704.3727 PD ITS Mr. Hari Bezwada Arlington, VA 703.614.9979 PD ASCP Ms. Michelina Laforgia Ft. Monmouth, NJ 732.427.6595
Major Infrastructure Contracts Information Technology Enterprise Solutions - Services (ITES-2S) - $20B Open for orders on 18 Feb 07. 16 Awardees on Multiple Award IDIQ Contracts Provides IT services and solutions in support of Army Enterprise Infrastructure and Infostructure objectives. FFP/T&M/Cost Type Orders. 9 Year Period of Performance. Contract Award to date: $700M. ITES - Hardware (ITES-2H) - $5B Awarded 09 Feb 07. 6 Awardees on Multiple Award IDIQ Contracts Enables purchase or lease of network environment products, including servers, thin-client, storage systems, and networking equipment. FFP Orders. 5 Year Period of Performance. Contract Award to Date: $337M. Army Desktop & Mobile Computing (ADMC-2) - $5B Open for Orders on 01 Oct 06. 9 Awardees on Multiple IDIQ Contracts Provides Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) desktops, notebooks, ruggedized devices, audio/visual equipment and also supports Army Consolidated Buy concepts. FFP Awards. 7 Year Period of Performance. Contract Award to Date: $500M. Installation Modernization (IMOD) - $4B Awarded 28 Apr 06. 10 Awardees on Multiple IDIQ Contracts Supports Installation Information Infrastructure Modernization Program (I3MP) program with COTS digital voice and data network switching equipment and installation services. FFP/T&M/Cost Type Orders. 9 Year Period of Performance. Contract Award to Date: $88M.
Major Infrastructure contracts (continued) World-wide Satellite Systems (WWSS) - $5B Awarded 29 Aug 06. 6 Awardees on Multiple IDIQ Contracts Joint PEO C3T (PM WIN-T) and PEO EIS effort to provide world-wide commercial satellite communications systems and services. FFP Awards. Contract Award to Date: $1B. Vehicle Intercom System (VIS) - $947M Awarded 7 Jun 07. Provides noise free intercom systems for tactical vehicles. FFP Award. Biometrics Base Access - $548M S3 Contract Task Order - Awarded 24 Dec 06. Sustains current Base Access systems (BISA) in Southwest Asia theater with hardware, software, and personnel. 5 Year period of Performance. Army Knowledge Online/Defense Knowledge Online - $267M NETCENTS Contract Task Order - Awarded 05 Mar 07, with four – six month options Provides IT services in support of Army Knowledge Online and Defense Knowledge Online. 3 Year period of Performance
Near Term Contract Opportunities in FY 2008/2009 PM DCASS Information Infrastructure Modernization - Contract Vehicle: IMOD 5 CONUS Installations - Expected Solicitation Releases: 1Q - 4Q FY08 3 Europe Installations - Expected Releases: 2Q - 3Q FY08 4 Pacific Installations - Expected Releases: 1Q - 3Q FY08 PM DCATS Modernized Vehicle Intercom System (VIS-X) - Contract Vehicle: New Expected Solicitation Release: January 2008 - $3.5B Modernization of Enterprise Terminals - Contract Vehicle: New Expected Solicitation Release: January 2008 - $550M PD AKO Army Knowledge Online/Defense Knowledge Online -Contract Vehicle: New Expected Solicitation Release: November 2009 - $800M