Rudolf von Laban
About Laban Rudolf von Laban aka Rudolf Laban (Hungarian: Rezső Lábán de Váraljas, Lábán Rezső, Lábán Rudolf) (15 December 1879 – 1 July 1958) was a dance artist and theorist, notable as one of the pioneers of modern dance in Europe. His work laid the foundations for Laban Movement Analysis, Labanotation (Kinetography Laban), other more specific developments in dance notation and the evolution of many varieties of Laban Movement Study.
Laban’s 8 basic effort exercises Pressing Slashing Flicking Punching Wringing Gliding Dabbing Floating
Your task In your allocated pairs, choose one action-effort for each person. Use the chosen action-effort in voice and movement to perform the following script. Movement of body and voice must occur simultaneously. Example: A= floating, B = Punching A: Hello B: How can I help you? A: I am looking for…that! B: What!? A: Yes, that! B: No, it is not for sale! You will perform in front of the class – we should be able to guess which action-effort you have each chosen to use.