Cyber bullying & Social Media Etiquette Digital Literacy- STRAND 2: Standard 7 I can understand and evaluate effects of cyber bullying by: Being able to define cyber bullying and cite examples. Identifying the potential consequences of cyber bullying for the perpetrator and victim. Presentation Adapted & Modified by Ms. Jennifer Duke (T.H. Bell Hr. High School) June 9, 2017 Parts of Presentation Created by Karma Lattin
BULLYING & CYBER BULLYING DEFINED The act of intimidating a weaker person A form of abuse Cyber-Bullying* BULLYING & CYBER BULLYING DEFINED To bully online by sending or posting mean messages, usually anonymously Created by Karma Lattin
What does Cyber bullying Look Like? Examples of cyber bullying include the following: Mean text messages or emails, Rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites Embarrassing pictures, videos, websites Fake profiles (
“Spamming” someone can be a form of cyber bullying. Bulk, mass, or repeated mailing of identical messages. Emphasis is on the multiple sending, either many copies to one destination, or one copy to many destinations. (Kevin Kadow, Internet Dictionary,, "spam", 1994 ) “Spamming” someone can be a form of cyber bullying.
“Flaming” lead to or be the result of cyber bullying. Also known as bashing, is hostile and insulting interaction between Internet users, often involving the use of profanity. It is often the result of the discussion of heated real-world issues . “Flaming” lead to or be the result of cyber bullying. Created by Karma Lattin
Trolling* (also known as flame bait) Sending messages that contain statements intending to bait an argument or confrontation (, Netdictionary, /html/index.html, "flame bait", 2000 ) Sept 2013 “Trolling” is a form of cyber bullying. Created by Karma Lattin
“United Airlines Trolling” In 2017, people were “trolling” United Airlines through memes because of an incident involving them pulling and dragging a passenger by the arms off of a flight because they had overbooked the flight. The company later admitted the act was wrong, but people were upset and continued to “troll” them on the internet.
“United Airlines Trolling”
Defame Libel Slander To attack the good name or reputation of someone A written false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation Slander A malicious, false, spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation
Consequences of bullying Victim (The one being bullied.) Perpetrator (The one doing the bullying.) They can’t take back things that they say and may feel bad later. They could get in trouble with their parents. They could be kicked out of school. They could be arrested & go to jail. Some victims stop going to school because of developed depression & anxiety. They could be physically & emotionally hurt by the bully. Some victims commit suicide as a result.
Social Network Etiquette Don’t tag people in unflattering pictures. Don’t over post. Do not invite people to games more than once. Keep private matters in private messages. Don’t Facebook every Tweet. Be real. Choose your friends carefully. Before you “Like” something read all of it. Created by Miriam Chambers
Social Network Etiquette The people you follow say something about you. Avoid negativity. Don’t auto respond to follows. Don’t multi-tweet long messages. Don’t @mention people in objectionable tweets. Private issue=direct message. Contribute real value. Retweet other’s links. Complete bio and upload avatar. Use follow Friday #ff. Don’t SPAM affiliate offers. If you have to write “spoiler alert,” maybe just don’t tweet it. Created by Miriam Chambers
Social Network Etiquette What you post, tweet, like, share, etc. on social network sites can have a lasting affect. You can’t take back anything that is already out there. You will sometime in your life be looking for a job or maybe applying for a scholarship. What you have on social network sites can affect both of these. Created by Miriam Chambers
Social Network Etiquette DON’T post anything you would not want your parents, professors or employers to see. These days, employers and college officials will often use social media as an extension of your resume to give them a better idea of who you are as a person. DO keep a clean profile. Untag yourself in any compromising posts or photos. DON’T assume that since your page is private, it cannot be seen. There are plenty of ways to bypass such “protection” that you may not be aware of. DO separate yourself from situations that could involve drama or negativity. DON’T say anything about someone or something that you would not say in front of them. One of the main causes of lost friendships and peer conflicts is based off of social media. Created by Miriam Chambers
Concluding Videos
Now that you have finished answering the questions for this assignment, please take the “Are You A Cyber Bully? Quiz” to reflect.
Resources 04/11/14/campaign_images/buzzfeed-prod-fastlane-01/people-are-coming- up-with-new-united-airlines-mot-2-23110-1491934874-2_dblbig.jpg fistfight-18817492.png humb=1&d=1492009085