Bob Hines
What does iMap do ? iMap identifies and mobilizes resources to help qualified missions work projects for church planting and evangelism.
Why does iMap do this? The cost of a missionary resigning and leaving the field is exorbitant ($400,000-$500,000 for a one term missionary). iMap was founded to help the local church get the most out of it’s missions support. We help relieve the stress of raising special project funds, and therefore extend the effective ministry life of the missionary.
Biblical Basis Eph 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Eph 5:17 Wherefore be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
iMap multiplies every dollar you give by the number of missions projects it completes. Your investment in missions through iMap grows with every dollar iMap raises iMp Missions Project $ $ Your Church $ $ $ $
People and Churches we have impacted
Church Plant in Kenya Ichuga Bible Baptist Church- Missionaries Jerry and Sherry Daniels This is a church plant out of the Mt. Kenya Baptist Church in Nanyuki, Kenya
Medical Equipment to Africa
New Church and Feeding Center in Malawi, Africa
Yamoussoukro Orphanage Missionaries Tim and Barbara Downs in the Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) This building is now 90% completed. It will house 30 orphans
Power of Partnership A business partner gave $1,500 for a project in Romania. Land was given and a church planted in Ghida.
Result – The entire village has been saved Result – The entire village has been saved. This girls life has been changed!
In the last 6 months, a DONOR funded three new wells for Gypsy villages in Romania.
Well in Tinka, Romania
Cambodia Youth Camp – 3,600+ Saved
Youth Camp Sponsorships – Philippines Global Surge Ministries 123,000+ in Camp this year – 63,000 Saved over 7 Months
Evangelism and training in Pakistan Over 30,000 in Evangelism Day camps
Teens Saved in “Extreme” Day evangelism outreach in Germany Kids had to come up on stage and walk across a bridge Group making decisions
Current projects Refugee Medical and Winter Kits – completed Church plants, Thailand - $40,000.00 needed. Vehicle for Belgium - $18,000.00 needed Basic Baptist Beliefs translation into Urdu 3,500.00 needed School building construction in Cote d’Ivoire $30,000.00 needed Farsi translation of BBB on SIM cards sent to Germany Completed
Opportunities: Pray for iMap and it’s missionary partners Make iMap one of your missionary families through monthly support Make a one time support or project offering to iMap