Gadget addiction in teenage ERASMUS+
Erasmus+ for youth workers Financed by the European Commission Number 2016-2-RO01-KA105-025019 7 months: 01-09-2016 - 31-03-2017 Duration – 9 days:19 – 27 November 2016 Place: Voroneț, Gura-Humorului
Participants 31 participants 14 organisations 11 countries: Czech Republic, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Macedonia, Polond, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and UK Applicant și coordinator: AR Vocational and Investment Solutions – ARVIS România
The project goal Developing the youth workers’ competences in the field of non formal education for preventing/ diminishing the youths’ gadget addiction.
Operational objectives A superior knowledge of the addiction phenomenon Developing the abilities to work with youths in order to prevent their gadget addiction or help them get rid of it Empowering the youth workers’ proactive behavior
Activities The analyses of the addiction problem Exploring already existing solutions for preventing/ diminishing the youngsters’ gadget addiction Finding original solutions with the same goal Creating a support-programme for youths addicted to gadgets