PREDILECTION (n.) Preexisting preference Synonym: Partiality
INGRATIATING (adj.) Charming; flattering Synonym: Sycophantic
DISSEMBLING (n.) Concealment of one’s real nature or motives Synonym: Misleading
CALUMNY (n.) False accusation; slander Synonym: defamation
Inculcation (n.) Teaching by repetition and urging Synonym: ingrain/ instill
Propitiation (n.) Action designed to soothe Synonym: calming
Evade (v.) To avoid or escape by deceit or cleverness Synonym: dodge
Paradox (n.) Apparent contradiction Synonym: irony, inconsistency
Vindictive (adj.) Vengeful Synonym: mean, cruel
Defamation (n.) Slander Synonym: insult, smear
Pallor (n.) Paleness
Ameliorate (v.) Make better Synonym: upgrade
Avidly (adv.) Eagerly Synonym: passionately
Base (adj.) Low, mean Synonym: unkind
Deference (n.) Courteous regard or respect Synonym: admiration
Theology (n.) The study of religion Synonym: religious studies or doctrine
Calamity (n.) Disaster Synonym: misfortune, tragedy
Indignant (Adj.) Angry; outraged
Begrudge (v.) To feel ill towards another person Synonym: resent, envy
Evasively (adv.) In a tricky way; not straightforwardly Synonym: misleading