Welcome to Tomball Intermediate 6th Grade Mrs. Jamison-Gogan Social Studies and Writing
About me This will be my 15th year teaching and my eleventh year teaching at Tomball Intermediate School. #thebestschoolintexas
Teaching Style Word Walls Games Anchor Charts Group Projects Puzzles Independent Reading Independent Writing INB Notes
Grading Guidelines 90-100 A 80-89 B 75-79 C 70-74 D 69 & below F Daily Work/Quizzes 40% Major Grades 60% Homework CAN be counted as a daily grade. LATE WORK will receive 10 point deduction for first 3 days and a 0 on the 4th day. Student’s grades can be found in the “Home Access Center” on the TISD website
Major Grades Will consist of – Projects Essays written in class Multiple choice tests Students will be able to use their INB on some parts of the test -They to need to be neat and readable source for your child
Writing Grades All major writing grades will be timed and must be completed in class to receive credit
Communication Wednesday Folders are sent home weekly and will contain progress/conduct reports, information from TIS/TISD, and graded papers.
How can we communicate ? Student Planners Are used to help students stay organized and includes information about what is going on in class and homework. Extra Planners can be purchased for $5 in the front office Subscribe to my Website Sign Up to get text messages Always feel free to call or email !
Textbooks SOCIAL STUDIES- class set only. Students can access an online version Directions can be found on my website
Supplies Need Daily Would be nice to have -pencil -colored pencils -scissors -glue -2 composition notebooks -agenda -pen(any color) -Mouse for chromebook. -Ear buds for chromebook
Interactive Notebooks Each student is required to bring their INB to class everyday If one is lost be prepared to start making a new one 1 for Writing 1 for Social Studies ( students are allowed to leave them in the class)
STAAR Testing Dates No TEST in Science or Social Studies These are building years Math –May 8 Reading- May 9 more information can be found at the TEA website
Homework Students will not have homework unless they didn’t finish their work in class or to finish up projects Students are given class time to work on assignments (they should NOT have homework every night)
Conduct and Work Study Conduct and Work Study are combined to be given as one final conduct grade each nine weeks. EACH CLASS is given a conduct grade based on this scale per week: 0-1 marks E E 2 marks S 3 marks N 4 marks U
Rewards!! Rewards are given to students for showing good character and following school procedures! Cougar Bucks – to be spent on passes to use in class Candy/Snack Fun Friday
How Can You Help from Home? Subscribe to my website Subscribe to Remind Review your child’s INB Quiz them about the topics we learned in class Review the unit vocabulary with your child Change one of their daily tv programs to a History /Geography program.
Parent Orientation Schedule 6th Grade General Session: 6:05-6:40 *PE will present their information here Class periods ½: 6:43-6:55 Parents will visit their Fine Art Class or Core Content Class periods ¾: 6:59-7:11 Parents will visit their Fine Art Class or Core Content Class Period 5/6: 7:15-7:27 Parents visit Core Content Class Class Period 7/8: 7:31-7:43 Parents visit Core Content Class Class Period 9/10: 7:47-8:00 Parents visit Core Content Class *PE teachers can be available in the gym/café. entry for any questions for visits between exchanges.
Follow me on Twitter Twitter “@JamisonGogan”
Remind Directions
Remind Directions
Link to my website
How to Access the online book
What is PreAp Social Studies? The Pre stands for getting prepared to take AP classes at the high school The PreAp classes have open enrollment. This allows all students a chance to prepare for AP level courses.
What are AP classes ? AP stands for Advance Placement Class (over 30 types are currently offered) These classes provide high school students the academic opportunity to study, learn, and earn credit for college level courses. The AP class standards and exams are set up the College Board. College Professors grade the AP Exams
Why take AP classes? These classes prepare students for the rigor of college level classes They allow students to earn college credit while still in high school (students could leave high school and enter some colleges at the sophomore level) Rice University states, “it has become part of the criteria used in the applicant selection process of all TIER one Universities “
What is the Rigorous Structure AP US History Exam Part 1 - 55 multiple choice 60 min - 12 to 15 short answer question using primary source documents to assimilate answers Part 2 – 2- 5 short answer questions 50min (analyze historical text) Part 3 – DBQ 55 min ( write a document based essay ) Part 4 - Long essay 35 min 3 hours and 5min testing window
The Goal of the PreAP class! The goal of the PreAp classes is to prepare students to take the rigorous AP exams We will concentrate on developing- -critical thinking skills -critical reading and document analysis skills -critical writing skills
Skills needed for PreAP Students need to be - competitive -coachable -willing to work toward a goal -write neatly -willing to reading longer documents -to practice those critical skills
I enjoyed having you here! Thank you for coming! I enjoyed having you here!