Elections 2013 Modifications Committee June / July 2013


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Presentation transcript:

Elections 2013 Modifications Committee June / July 2013 * Elections 2013 Modifications Committee June / July 2013 * 1##

Elections 2013 2013 Elections will run over June & July. Each Member is appointed for a maximum term of two years. Expiring Terms Member Alternate Company Appointed Generator Caitríona Diviney Mary Doorly IWEA June 2011 Kevin Hannafin Derek Scully Viridian Power & Energy Supplier Jill Murray Julie-Anne Hannon Bord Gáis William Steele Philip Carson Power NI 2.170 Initial members of the Modification Committee shall be appointed for terms in accordance with paragraph 8.51. Thereafter each member shall be appointed for a maximum term of two years, subject to the exception contained in Section 2.170 (9) (9) Where an ad-hoc election has taken place to fill a vacancy, whereby a member has been removed, resigned or retired from the committee, the newly elected member shall be appointed in principle for a maximum term of two years, and this term will expire in accordance with the annual election date which is closest to the term expiry date. 2

Election Activity 2012 48 eligible Generation votes 24 votes cast 24 votes not cast Full list of registered Participants available from the SEMO website In accordance with the Code votes may be submitted by Nominating Generation Participant, which is defined in the Glossary as being: ...a Party which is a Generation Participant and is allowed to nominate and vote for Generation Participant nominees to the Modification Committee.   For the avoidance of doubt, please note, 1 Party (with Registered Generator Participant) = 1 vote. To assist in ensuring that validity of votes it would be appreciated if the Party (PY) and/or Participant (PT) numbers could accompany your vote. Further information with regard to the registration of Generation Participants as may be relevant to this ballot please reference Section 2.33 - 2.40 of the Trading & Settlement Code. Further, to ensure transparency, all nominations need to come from authorised representatives of those Participants/Parties. While the Secretariat appreciates that some of you may have communicated with associated Parties/Participants in appealing for votes we as the Secretariat are unable to confirm the legitimacy of those represented votes without them having been received from the source Party/Participant. Validation of votes 3

Elections 2013 Election procedure set out in T&SC paragraphs 2.165 to 2.176. Duties of Committee Members elected: Represent interests of the type of party elected to represent; Be available for Ordinary, Emergency and Extraordinary Meetings; and Carry out functions of Mods Committee as set out in 2.149 of the T&SC. Functions of the Modifications Committee The functions of the Modifications Committee are to facilitate the Modifications Process by: co-ordinating the resources of Parties to facilitate the development and processing of a Modification Proposal; assessing Modification Proposals and the impact of any Modification Proposals for the Pool having regard to the Code Objectives; further developing Modification Proposals which are not rejected as being spurious; working up the detail of Modification Proposals; consulting on Modification Proposals as required; compiling reports and making recommendations on Modification Proposals to the Regulatory Authorities; and making any appropriate changes to Agreed Procedures. 4

Nominations One nomination per Nominating Participant. Elections administered by Secretariat by secret ballot. Votes may be submitted by Nominating Participants: ...a Party which is a Generation/Supply/DSU Participant and is allowed to nominate and vote for Generation/Supply/DSU Participant nominees to the Modification Committee. 1 Party (with Registered Generator/Supply Participant/DSU) = 1 vote. Nominations must come from authorised representatives of those Participants/Parties. Who can nominate? Nominating Participant is a Party which is a Generation/Supply Participant and is allowed to nominate and vote for Generation/Supply Participant nominees to the Modifications Committee” Consent  Ensure that your proposed Nominees have given their consent to the Nomination. Name, job title, company, contact details, profile (brief description of current role, background etc). Member positions  The Election will be for the Member positions only. The Alternate Members chosen in the nomination will be automatically selected for that role  and subject to change by the new Members upon appointment. 5

Conclusions Elections will begin early next week. * Conclusions Elections will begin early next week. Secretariat will call for Supply, Generation & DSU Nominations. Ballot Papers will be issued to Participants via email. Remember 1 Generator Participant = 1 Generator vote 2 Generator Participants = 2 Generator votes and so on Elections will run throughout June & July with results announced in advance of Meeting 50 on 15 August 2013. Chair & Vice-Chair Elections will take place following Meeting 50. *