Lesson Fixer Upper Fix Up Your Lesson with Quizizz Bethany Bunnell bunnellb@rcisd.org
*A fun game to conduct quick assessments with your class *“Game show” format *FREE, online tool *Similar to Kahoot (but better!) *Students are given questions and up to 4 options for responses *Create your own Quiz, or use one that has already been created What is Quizziz?
Why Is It Different? *Student paced *Real-time Feedback (see student results as they are answering questions) *Export student results into an excel sheet to take a grade! *Question Library (find pre-made Quizizz that fit your lesson) *BYOD (works with any device that has a web browser)
So what do the kids think about Quizizz? https://youtu.be/IV5Tj2y9XD8
Let’s Play! 1. Open https://join.quizizz.com in your browser 2. Enter the 6-digit game code 805792 , and click “Proceed" 3. Now enter your name and click "Join Game!" 4. You will get an avatar, and then see a “Start” button. GAME CODE 805792
Ask questions! I’m here to help! Now, It’s Your Turn! Use the handout to either create your own quiz, or find a previously created quiz that will work for your lesson. Ask questions! I’m here to help!
Contact Me: Bethany Bunnell bunnellb@rcisd.org