Saint Cyril (p. 306) Czar (p. 311) Kievan Russia(p. 308) Byzantine missionary that developed the Cyrillic alphabet, Slavic people could now read the Bible Slavic version of “Caesar”; Thought Russia could be third Rome Russia’s 1st great territory; accepted Byzantine Christianity
Genghis Khan (p. 309) Mongols (p. 309) Moscow (p. 311) First Mongol leader; one of the most feared men; Led brutal attacks across Asia and East Europe Nomadic horsemen; established largest empire of all time After Kiev, became the “capital” of the Russian empire; important trade port
Muslim scholar; wrote earliest standard texts on medicine and healing Muslim historian; traveled for 27 years around Muslim territories; Connected African peoples with Islam Foundations of Islamic faith Faith Prayer Alms Fasting Pilgrimage Ibn Sina Ibn Battuta 5 Pillars