Chapter 11 : Lesson 3 People and Their Environment: Northwestern Europe
Essential Question What actions have been taken to address environmental issues in Northwestern Europe?
Acid Deposition: wet or dry airborne acids that fall to the ground
Acid Rain
Kyoto Protocol: an amendment to the international treaty on climate change designed to reduce the amount of green house gases emitted by specific countries
Why do you think the United States pulled out of the Kyoto Protocol?
Cap-and Trade: a method for managing pollution in which a limit is placed on emissions and businesses or countries can buy and sell emissions allowances
Mini Research Assignment: Research an alternative form of energy used in one of the countries in Northwestern Europe. Gather facts and statistics about the usage of that form of energy, including information about what percentage of energy comes from the alternative source. Create a short visual presentation to present your findings in Google Slides. Hand in Google Classroom
Major Environmental Disasters & Pollution Problems
Germany’s Black Forest
In the 1960s, people saw that trees in Germany’s Black Forest were discolored, losing needles and leaves, and dying. Scientists found that one cause of tree death was acid rain. Europe’s factories emit sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. These combine with water vapor and oxygen to form acid rain or snow. Winds carry the emissions to other parts of Europe. It is estimated that one-fourth of European forests have been affected. The effects of acid precipitation are especially severe in eastern Europe, where lignite coal is still burned for fuel
Review Question: Chapter 11 : Lesson 3 Read pages 284-288 and answer Review Questions on page 274. Hand in Google Class Room.